Customized WEB page State: 2023/04/27

The Custom.txt is the first customized file for user-defined WEB pages.
If the variable %customfile=eigenesweb.html% is found in the 1st line, 
- must stand also in the 1st line - so the here indicated file is made from this control file/Html file.
If no variable 'customfile=' is indicated, a custom.html is made always !
This line is not delivered into the destination file !!!!
If the control file is identical (same name) with the destination file (openfile - see below),
the intention "ws_" is hanged before the destination file ! But who did do something like that?

I made an effort to support all changing data in the "current.html" here.
Therefore one can, with this function, replace the "weather survey" = "current.html".

Since in the "current.html" our Copyright's are linked automatically, I ask for that,
to install also in the file replace current.html the 

With the support of the variables "customfile=" and "openfile=" / "openfileappend="
your creativity are no more boundaries set.

The same variable can seem maximum 2x in a line                       V2.83.0

Following variable are supported:
Consider - at variables with [id] data of -1 - 46 are here possible 
-> see also indices in the program help-file 

Main Humidity    = -1                                                 V2.84.8
Main Temperature = 0    (is the same, as for dewpoint chosen)         V2.84.4

Temperature      = 1..16
Humidtiy         = 17..32
Barometer        = 33
Rain             = 34
Wind force       = 35
Wind direct.     = 36
Barometer        = 37..42
Wind chill       = 43
Dewpoint         = 44
Wind gust        = 45          

Temperature in    = 1
Temperature out   = 2
Temperature extra = 3..8
Temperature Leaf  = 9..12
Temperature Soil  = 13..16
Humidity in       = 17
Humidity out      = 18
Humidity extra    = 19..24
Leaf Wetness      = 25..28
Moisture          = 29..32
Barometer         = 33
Rain              = 34
Wind              = 35
Wind direct.      = 36
ET                = 40
UV                = 41
Solar             = 42
Wind gust         = 45 
ISS Receiving     = 46

Solar (lux)       = 38
Solar(W/m²)       = 42
Indexe           10..16,26..32,(39)40..41 there are not available    

Temperature in.   = 1
Temperature outs. = 2
Temperature M1..M3= 3..5
Carbonic-diox i.  = 13
Carbonic-diox M1  = 14
Carbonic-diox M2  = 15
Carbonic-diox M3  = 16
Humidity in       = 17
Humidity out      = 18
Humidity M1..M3   = 19..21
Volume in.        = 26
Batterie Wind     = 27
Batterie Rain     = 28
Batterie Outdoor  = 29
Battery M1        = 30
Battery M2        = 31
Battery M3        = 32
Barometer         = 33
Rain              = 34
Wind              = 35
Wind direct.      = 36
Dewpoint          = 43
Wind chill        = 44
Wind gust         = 45

Time sensors (the values are always in minutes)
Sun time          = 37
add. time sensor  = 39

For every worth [id]  with  (id=-1..46) following variable for the disposal stand:
Current value sensor 
Average value sensor 
MinValue sensor 
MinTime sensor 
MaxValue sensor 
MaxTime sensor
Unit names 
Unit names long (... for speech)
Sensor available+Html         
Sensor available                                       
Sensor install date                                 

In case of atmospheric pressure, rain and wind direction 
stand additional variable for the disposal (see below) !

List of all supported variables
%unit_on%                                                                          (this entry is for testing ...)
With the variables, that with a leading one "*" is marked, for example %curval[x]%, one can show the values also with a 
alternative unit:
This variable is "line-referential" and can occur in a line for a sensor typ only once.
It must be placed again per line every time!

Cange Unit              %ws_newunit[id]=u%      id = -1 .. 46                        V2.91.4           
                                                Values for u:
                                                Temperature: 0:°C    1:°F 
                                                Barometer:   0:hPa   1:mmHg  2:mbar  3:inHg
                                                Rain:        0:l/m³  1:mm    2:ZS    3:inch
                                                ET:          0:mm    1:inch
                                                Wind         0:km/h  1:m/s   2:mph   3:Knots  4:Beaufort
%ws_newunit[0]=1%%ws_newunit[35]=1%%curval[0]% %curval[35]% 
%curval[0]% %curval[35]%

With the variables, that with a leading one '#' is marked, for example forecast_txt[1]%, one can let show the text in different
for example forecast_txt[x]%                    x=0 German                          V2.91.4                                        
                                                x=1 English
                                                x=2 French
                                                x=3 Italian
                                                x=4 Czech
                                                x=5 Dutch
                                                x=6 Spain
                                                for x > 6 or no number: defaulted program-language.

Resource Text	%r[x~nnnn]%    	x:0..6 look above, 9=used language, nnnn=number 1...4799	V2.99.5
Resource Text	%r[9~1]%
Resource Text	%r[0~1]%
Resource Text	%r[1~1]%
Resource Text	%r[2~1]%
Resource Text	%r[3~1]%
Resource Text	%r[4~1]%
Resource Text	%r[5~1]%
Resource Text	%r[6~1]%
Resource Text	%r[9~4615]% 
Resource Text	%r[1~4615]% 
Resource Text	%r[1~4799]%

Location                %ws_location% 
Site altitude           %ws_altitude%

Copyright               %ws_copyright%
Info to data            %ws_data_info%
Info to data           #%ws_data_info[1]%				V2.92.6
Info to STDVS data      %ws_stdvdata_info%                                          V2.93.9

Long date               %longdate% 
Short Date              %ws_date% 
Month name              %monthtxt%
Short month name  	%monthtxts[%ws_month%]%
Day name                %daytxt%
Short day name  	%daytxts[%ws_dayweek%]%

Month name variable     %monthtxt[x]%	x=-12..0..12 0:current month, -12..-1:relativ to current month	V2.97.6 
				Result: January, February, March, April, ...
Short month name var    %monthtxts[x]%	x=-12..0..12 0:current month, -12..-1:relativ to current month	V2.97.6
				Result: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, ...

Day name variable    	%daytxt[x]%		x=-7..0..7 0:current day, -7..-1:relativ to current day		V2.97.6 
				Result: 1=Monday, 2=Tuesday, 3=Wednesday ...
Short day name var  	%daytxts[x]%	x=-7..0..7 0:current day, -7..-1:relativ to current day		V2.97.6 
				Result: 1=Mo, 2=Tu, 3=We ...

Current year            %ws_year%
Current month           %ws_month%
Current Week            %ws_week%                                                   V2.85.0
Current day             %ws_day%
Current hour            %ws_hour%
Current minute          %ws_minute%
Day of year             %ws_dayyear%                                                V2.83.5
Day of week             %ws_dayweek%            (1..7) 1=Monday                     V2.84.10
Week period             %ws_weektxt%                                                V2.85.0

Current week 2char      %ws_compare[5]=%ws_week%~10~0%ws_week%~%ws_week%%

Current month 2char     %ws_month2%
Current day   2char     %ws_day2%
Current hour  2char     %ws_hour2%
Current minute 2char    %ws_minute2%

Current UTC year        %ws_utc_year%                                               V2.85.7
Current UTC month 2c    %ws_utc_month%                                              V2.85.7
Current UTC day 2c      %ws_utc_day%                                                V2.85.7
Current UTC hour 2c     %ws_utc_hour%                                               V2.85.7
Current UTC minute 2c   %ws_utc_minute%

UTC-Date/Time           %ws_utc_datetime%				V2.96.4
RFC822 Date/Time	%ws_rfc822datetime%				V2.92.3
Unix32Date/Time	%ws_unix32datetime%				V2.96.0

Time Near Real Time     %ws_nrttime%                                                V2.84.8
Second Near Realtime    %ws_nrt_sec%                                                V2.85.10
Date Near Real Time     %ws_nrtdate%                                                V2.84.8

Current Time            %ws_time% 
UTC Time difference     %ws_utc%
Daylight minutes        %ws_daylightminutes%
Current reference Time  %daylightname%          
days of month           %ws_daysmonth[mm~yyyy]%				V2.94.0 %ws_ignore%
days of month           %ws_daysmonth[-7~0000]%	

Day of the week	%ws_weekday[dd~mm~yyyy]% 	1..7 (1=Mo)		V2.99.8.6			%ws_ignore%
Day of the week	%ws_weekday[25~12~0000]%			V2.99.8.6
certain rel. date	%ws_datex[xxx~dd~mm~yyyy]%			V2.99.8.6			%ws_ignore% 
certain rel. date	%ws_datex[-2~25~12~0000]%			V2.99.8.6

%ws_setmem[1]=%ws_weekday[24~12~2016]%%			%ws_delline%
%ws_setmem[2]=%ws_compare[1]=%ws_getmem[1]%~2~%ws_calc[+]=21~%ws_getmem[1]%~0%~%ws_calc[-]=25~%ws_getmem[1]%~0%%%	%ws_delline% 
%ws_setmem[2]=%ws_compare[3]=%ws_getmem[1]%~1~22~%ws_getmem[2]%%%	%ws_delline% 
%ws_setmem[2]=%ws_compare[3]=%ws_getmem[1]%~7~21~%ws_getmem[2]%%%	%ws_delline% 
Weekday 24.12.2016	%ws_getmem[1]%	%ws_calc[*]=-1~%ws_getmem[2]%~0%
1st Advent 2016	%ws_datex[%ws_calc[*]=-1~%ws_getmem[2]%~0%~24~12~2016]%	27.	6

%ws_setmem[1]=%ws_weekday[24~12~2017]%%			%ws_delline%
%ws_setmem[2]=%ws_compare[1]=%ws_getmem[1]%~2~%ws_calc[+]=21~%ws_getmem[1]%~0%~%ws_calc[-]=25~%ws_getmem[1]%~0%%%	%ws_delline% 
%ws_setmem[2]=%ws_compare[3]=%ws_getmem[1]%~1~22~%ws_getmem[2]%%%	%ws_delline% 
%ws_setmem[2]=%ws_compare[3]=%ws_getmem[1]%~7~21~%ws_getmem[2]%%%	%ws_delline% 
Weekday 24.12.2017	%ws_getmem[1]%	%ws_calc[*]=-1~%ws_getmem[2]%~0%
1st Advent 2017	%ws_datex[%ws_calc[*]=-1~%ws_getmem[2]%~0%~24~12~2017]%	03.	7

WsWinVersion            %ws_vers% 
WsWinVersion            %ws_vers0%                                                  V2.93.7
WsWinVersion.x          %ws_vers1%                                                  V2.98.8
Weather station type    %ws_typ% 
Weather st. identifier	%ws_iftyp%		->10,20,21,22,23,40,50 or 60 	V2.98.0

Data interval	%ws_intervall%				 V2.99.5
Data interval avg	%ws_intervallavg%				 V2.99.5

Operationsystem version	%ws_osvers%					V2.99.8.9
Path to Curl.exe	%ws_curl_file%				V2.99.8.9
Wswin-Program-Path	%ws_prgpath%				V2.99.8.9
Wswin-Data-Path	%ws_datapath%				V2.99.8.9
Is this a Leap year	%ws_lapyear[jjjj]%				V2.99.8.9		%ws_ignore% 
Is this a Leap year	%ws_lapyear[2020]%				V2.99.8.9
Is this a Leap year	%ws_lapyear[2021]%				V2.99.8.9

Track long time data	%ws_calclongtimedata=Yes~No%			 V2.99.5
Use Year File	%ws_calcyearfile=Yes~No%			 V2.99.5
Calc ET		%ws_calc_et=Yes~No%				 V2.99.5
Calc wind run	%ws_calcwindrun=Yes~No%			 	 V2.99.5
Calc SolarRad	%ws_calcsolarrad=Yes~No%			 V2.99.5
Calc time sensor <= 	%ws_calctimec=Yes~No%	 		 	 V2.99.5
24h View		%ws_calc24h=Yes~No%	 		 	 V2.99.6
Def. Graphics choosen   %ws_calcgrafics=Yes~No%				 V2.99.6

Thermal load	%ws_calctherm=Yes~No%				V2.99.7
Snowfall		%ws_calcsnowfall=Yes~No%			V2.99.7
Cloud base		%ws_calcsclouds=Yes~No%				V2.99.7
Show sea state	%ws_calcseastate=Yes~No%			V2.99.7
Show Moon Data	%ws_calcmoon=Yes~No%				V2.99.7
Show sun data	%ws_calcsun=Yes~No%				V2.99.7
show last frost	%ws_calcice=Yes~No%				V2.99.7
Display statistics 	%ws_calcstatistics=Yes~No%			V2.99.7

Factor and correction v %ws_calc_cor[ID]%				 V2.99.8
Factor and correction v %ws_calc_cor[0]%				 V2.99.8
Main outdoor sensor	ID%ws_calc_tpsensor%				 V2.99.8
Windchill sensor	ID%ws_calc_wcsensor%				 V2.99.8
Freeze sensor     	ID%ws_calc_frostsensor%				 V2.99.8
Soil sensor -5cm	ID%ws_calc_growsensor%				 V2.99.8
Soil sensor		ID%ws_calc_growsensor0%				 V2.99.8
Soil sensor    	ID%ws_calc_soilsensor%				 V2.99.8  

Remark 1                %ws_remark1%            
Remark 2                %ws_remark2%

Shortname               %shortslabel[id]%                    x = -1 .. 46 
Description             %longslabel[id]% 
Current value          *%curval[id]% 
Average value          *%avgval[id]% 

NearRealTime Value     *%nrtval[id]%                                                V2.84.8

Min value              *%minval[id]% 
Min time                %mintime[id]%  
Min value current day   %curminmaxhour[1,0,id]%              look below
Min time current day    %mintimecurday[id]%                                         V2.82.4 
Min-day/month           %mindaymonth[id]%                                

Max value              *%maxval[id]% 
Max time                %maxtime[id]%
Max value current day   %curminmaxhour[2,0,id]%              look below
Max time current day    %maxtimecurday[id]%                                         V2.82.4 
Max-day/month           %maxdaymonth[id]% 

Sensor available+Html   %ws_available[id]=Yes~No%           
Sensor available        %ws_availableX[id]=Yes~No%                                  

Sensor available        %ws_availabletyp[id~tt]=Yes~No%                             V2.98.0                            %ws_ignore%
and Weatherstation typ                    tt: 10=WMx, 20=WS2000-PC, 21=Wetterempfänger, 22=WS2500, 23=WS2500-PC
is same                                   40=VantagePro, 50=TE923, 60 Climalogger
                        If a station type not 10,20,21,22,23,40,50 or 60 selected, for example 00,
                        then this variable is the same as %ws_availableX[id]=Yes~No%
                        - > Weather station type is not considered.

Sensor install date     %sensorinstalled[id]%                               

Dewpoint sensor pairs  *%dewpoint[x]%           x  = 0 .. 16                         V2.85.0
Heat Index             *%heatindex[x]%          x  = 0 .. 16
Abs Humidity            %abshum[x]%             x  = 0 .. 16       

Trend                   %ws_trend[id]%          id  = -1..46   0=constand, 1=rising, -1=falling   V2.93.8            %ws_ignore%       

Temperature changing   *%tempchange[x]=mm%      x  = 0 .. 16, 43, 44     V2.83.0 mod
in the last (mm)                                mm = 1..60  -> if 'mm' is smaller then the recording interval, then
minutes                                                     for mm the recording interval is used.
                                                            With invalid values (for example >60 or sign)
                                                            becomes '?' given back as a result !

Value change           *%valuechange[id]=mm%    id  = -1 .. 46                        V2.91.4 
in the last                                     mm = 1..60  -> if 'mm' is smaller then the recording interval, then
minutes (mm)                                                   for mm the recording interval is used.
                                                            With invalid values (for example >60 or sign) 
                                                            becomes '?' given back as a result !             

State-WS2xxx-Sensor     %ws_state_sens[x]%      x  = 0 .. 16, 34,35  and/or 0 .. 5, 33,34,35 at WMR-918..968
State_WMR918..968Sens   %ws_state_sens[33]%     Answer: 
                                                ---         -> invalid Test or State not active
                                                ok          -> Sensor without receiving error
                                                0           -> Sensor not available
                                                1(..254)    -> Number receiving errors
                                                at WMR-918..968: 
                                                8x          -> only ID=33 -> weak display battery (x=Minuten)
                                                00 .. D0    -> Direct edition of the state byte of these sensors
                                                               at what "0x" = battery 100 % - "8x" = emptily of battery
                                                               look also at program help for this purpose !
				at Mebus TE923/Irox Pro-X: shows reception quality

State in color          %ws_colorstate_sens[x]% -> black=not available, red=>5, yellow=>1, green=ok
(for traffic-lights)                         

Total numb. CurrentVal  %ws_stateakt_sens[00]%    only at WS2000,WS2500,TE923                                    V2.84.4
Numb. values w.Cur-Flag %ws_stateakt_sens[x]%     only at WS2000,WS2500,TE923  and  x  = 0 .. 16, 34,35, 38      V2.83.4
Value current?          %ws_akt_sens[x]%          only at WS2000,WS2500,TE923  and  x  = 0 .. 16, 34,35, 38      V2.83.4 
                                                  - = not available; 0 = not current; 1 = current          

Indoor sensor state     %ws_colorstate_sens[1]%
Indoor sensor state     %ws_state_sens[1]%
Sensor 1 State          %ws_colorstate_sens[3]%
Sensor 1 State          %ws_state_sens[3]%
Sensor 2 State          %ws_colorstate_sens[4]%
Sensor 2 State          %ws_state_sens[4]%
Sensor 3 State          %ws_colorstate_sens[5]%
Sensor 3 State          %ws_state_sens[5]%

Value in percent	%ws_state_0-100[value]%	0-10->0, 11-25->25; 26-50->50; 51-75->75; 76-100->100%	V2.99.0	%ws_ignore%
Value in percent 34	%ws_state_0-100[34]%							%ws_ignore%
Value in percent 67	%ws_state_0-100[67%]%							%ws_ignore%

Unit names             *%unitname[id]%   
Unit names long         %unitnamelong[id]%                              

Hour values            *%curminmaxhour[a,h,id]%  a: 0=current,1=min,2=max,3=average,4=difference
                                                 a: 5=exact hour current value                                   V2.85.8
				 a: 6=difference at the prior time (exact hour)           	     V2.94.3
				      sum at time, rain
                                                 a: 3=average and windir = dominating direction		     V2.94.0
                                                 h: 0, 1..24  
                                                 - 0 = only current day                                          V2.82.4
                                                 id: (-1..46) 
                                                 normally require the 24 hours view!
Calc hour values        %curminmaxhour_on%

Min-Value month         *%ws_m_minval[%ws_month%,id]%          ws_month=0..12, 0=year, 1..12=month  id=-1..46    V2.83.0
Min-Time  month          %ws_m_mintime[%ws_month%,id]%         ws_month=0..12, 0=year, 1..12=month  id=-1..46    V2.83.0
Min-Day   month          %ws_m_minday[%ws_month%,id]%          ws_month=0..12, 0=year, 1..12=month  id=-1..46    V2.83.0
Max-Value month         *%ws_m_maxval[%ws_month%,id]%          ws_month=0..12, 0=year, 1..12=month  id=-1..46    V2.83.0
Max-Time  month          %ws_m_maxtime[%ws_month%,id]%         ws_month=0..12, 0=year, 1..12=month  id=-1..46    V2.83.0
Max-Day   month          %ws_m_maxday[%ws_month%,id]%          ws_month=0..12, 0=year, 1..12=month  id=-1..46    V2.83.0
Mean      month         *%ws_m_avg[%ws_month%,id]%             ws_month=0..12, 0=year, 1..12=month  id=-1..46    V2.83.0

Val Minim day temp      *%ws_m_dayvalmintemp[%ws_month%]%     ws_month=0..12, 0=year, 1..12=month               V2.83.2       
Day temp       %ws_m_daydaymintemp[%ws_month%]%     ws_month=0..12, 0=year, 1..12=month               V2.83.2 
Val Maxim day temp      *%ws_m_dayvalmaxtemp[%ws_month%]%     ws_month=0..12, 0=year, 1..12=month               V2.83.2        
Day temp       %ws_m_daydaymaxtemp[%ws_month%]%     ws_month=0..12, 0=year, 1..12=month               V2.83.2 

Val Minim day temp      *%ws_m_dayvalmintemp[0]%              0=year                                            V2.83.2     
Day temp       %ws_m_daydaymintemp[0]%              0=year                                            V2.83.2  
Val Maxim day temp      *%ws_m_dayvalmaxtemp[0]%              0=year                                            V2.83.2         
Day temp       %ws_m_daydaymaxtemp[0]%              0=year                                            V2.83.2  

Variables only valid for week,month,year:
Min-value day          *%minvalday[id]%          at month_only too - use only in template              
Min-time  day           %mintimeday[id]%         at month_only too - use only in template 
Min-day   day           %mindayday[id]%          at month_only too     
Min-day   day short     %mindaydays[id]%         at month_only too       

Max-value day          *%maxvalday[id]%          at month_only too - use only in template            
Max-time  day           %maxtimeday[id]%         at month_only too - use only in template 
Max-day   day           %maxdayday[id]%          at month_only too     
Max-day   day short     %mindaydays[id]%         at month_only too       

Average month          *%avgmonth[id]%           only with month_only

----------------------- Variables for data in the past  -----------------------------------------------------------
Sensor value at arbitrary times
		%curvaldatetime[]% -> at Setting Date Time		V2.98.5	%ws_ignore%
	            %curvaldatetime[]% -> at Setting Time Date		V2.98.5	%ws_ignore%
	            x=0 Data for exactly this time/date
	            x=1 Data for exact or nearest time/date if not found exactly
	            x=2 Data for exact or nearest time/date if not exact additional time/date output
	            x=3 Data for exact or next time/date - always additional Time/date output
		is for dd = 00 used (month/year then irrelevant) - the current day is used for this
		is for yyyy a negative value e.g. -003 used, the program proceeds according to the value
		- then dd can not be 00 - otherwise this entry is ignored
		Date separator (.) Time separator (:) and date Time separator (~~)
		can be arbitrary - must not be missing!
		If no data is available for the predefined time/date, and not x>0, the result is "--"
		Attention! Artificial sensors or calculations thereof (e.g., minimum selection) do not find any
		Consideration. Exception: dew point and windchill.

[0~0~00.00.0000~~maxti]	%curvaldatetime[0~3~00.00.0000~~%maxtime[0]%]%					%ws_ignore%

Last iceday past year	%curvaldatetime[0~3~%lastcoldday_mpast[00~-001]%~~%lastcolddaytime_mpast[00~-001]%]%	%ws_ignore%	
Time last iceday year   %lastcolddaytime_mpast[00~-001]%						%ws_ignore%						
Value last iceday year  %lastcolddayval_mpast[00~-001]%						%ws_ignore%						

[0~0~00.00.0000~~08:01]	%curvaldatetime[0~0~00.00.0000~~08:01]%					%ws_ignore%					
[0~0~24.12.2015~~08:01]	%curvaldatetime[0~0~24.12.2015~~08:01]%					%ws_ignore%					
[0~0~10.12.2015~~08:03]	%curvaldatetime[0~0~10.12.2015~~08:03]%					%ws_ignore%					

[0~1~00.00.0000~~08:01]	%curvaldatetime[0~1~00.00.0000~~08:01]%					%ws_ignore%					
[0~1~24.12.2015~~08:01]	%curvaldatetime[0~1~24.12.2015~~08:01]%					%ws_ignore%					
[0~1~10.12.2015~~08:03]	%curvaldatetime[0~1~10.12.2015~~08:03]%					%ws_ignore%					

[0~2~00.00.0000~~08:01]	%curvaldatetime[0~2~00.00.0000~~08:01]%					%ws_ignore%					
[0~2~24.12.2015~~08:01]	%curvaldatetime[0~2~24.12.2015~~08:01]%					%ws_ignore%					
[0~2~10.12.2015~~08:03]	%curvaldatetime[0~2~10.12.2015~~08:03]%					%ws_ignore%					

[0~3~00.00.0000~~08:01]	%curvaldatetime[0~3~00.00.0000~~08:01]%					%ws_ignore%					
[0~3~11.12.2015~~08:01]	%curvaldatetime[0~3~11.12.2015~~08:01]%					%ws_ignore%					
[0~3~10.12.2015~~08:03]	%curvaldatetime[0~3~10.12.2015~~08:03]%					%ws_ignore%					

[0~2~08:00~~00.00.0000]	%curvaldatetime[0~2~08:00~~00.00.0000]%					%ws_ignore%					

Output Date		%datepast[dd~mm~yyyy]%	Output always in the format		V2.98.5	%ws_ignore% 
		possibility like %maxdatepast[id~dd~mm~yyyy]%					%ws_ignore%
Example output date	%datepast[-1461~0~00]%	on 23.12.2016 -> 23.12.2012				%ws_ignore%

Average x-day          *%avgvalpast[id~dd~mm~yyyy]%                                                          V2.85.1
Average x-day Sol 	%aavgvalpast[42~dd~mm~yyyy]%                                                         V2.94.0    %ws_ignore%

Min-value x-day        *%minvalpast[id~dd~mm~yyyy]%                                                          V2.85.1
Min-time x-day          %mintimepast[id~dd~mm~yyyy]%                                                         V2.85.1
Min-date x-day          %mindatepast[id~dd~mm~yyyy]%                                                         V2.85.1
Max-value x-day        *%maxvalpast[id~dd~mm~yyyy]%                                                          V2.85.1
Max-time x-day          %maxtimepast[id~dd~mm~yyyy]%                                                         V2.85.1
Max-date x-day          %maxdatepast[id~dd~mm~yyyy]%                                                         V2.85.1
                                                            dd: day   -31..00..31 
                                                            mm: month -12..00..12 
                                                            yyyy: year must to be always four-digit, -001 is last year
                                                            for 0 and/or 00 and/or 0000 current day/month/year is used
                                                            if negative value occurs: prioritaet day, month, year
                                                            that is, if a negative value is used, for the other date automatic
                                                            set onto the current day/month/year.
                                                            Caution! date length must dd~mm~yyyy  be always 10 digits!!
                                                            is for dd -31 used (3 digits), then must for mm 0 used
                                                            is for mm -12 used (3 digits), then must for dd 0 used
Example:       maxdatepast[0~-31~0~0000] 
          or   maxdatepast[0~0~-12~0000]
 also allows:  maxdatepast[0~-1461~0~00]
                maxvalpast[0~01~01~-001]                    it will pass out the maximum value of the current day one year before!

Peculiarity:  It for yyyy: 9999 as year used, the program uses the previously assigned               V2.85.7    
day,month,year - values. 
Example:  %avgvalpast[0~%ws_day2%~00~-001]%     %avgvalpast[0~00~00~9999]% 

In order to step up the processing of these variables, for chronological execution you should summarizing the same time dates.

Allocation date         %setdatepast[dd~mm~yyyy]%                                                           V2.85.10    %ws_ignore%
Allocation month/year   %setmonthyear[mm~yyyy]%                                                             V2.85.10    %ws_ignore%

Average x-month/year   *%avgval_mpast[id~mm~yyyy]%                                                          V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%
Average x-month/year	%aavgval_mpast[42~mm~yyyy]%                                                         V2.94.0     %ws_ignore%

Min-Average M/Y        *%avgmin_mpast[id~mm~yyyy]%                                                          V2.95.4     %ws_ignore%
Min-Average Date M/Y    %avgmindate_mpast[id~mm~yyyy]%                                                      V2.95.4     %ws_ignore%
Max-Average M/Y        *%avgmax_mpast[id~mm~yyyy]%                                                          V2.95.4     %ws_ignore% 
Max-Average Date M/Y    %avgmaxdate_mpast[id~mm~yyyy]%                                                      V2.95.4     %ws_ignore% 

Min-val x-month/year   *%minval_mpast[id~mm~yyyy]%                                                          V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%
Min-time x-month/year   %mintime_mpast[id~mm~yyyy]%                                                         V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%
Min-date x-month/year   %mindate_mpast[id~mm~yyyy]%                                                         V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%
Max-val  x-month/year  *%maxval_mpast[id~mm~yyyy]%                                                          V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%
Max-time x-month/year   %maxtime_mpast[id~mm~yyyy]%                                                         V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%
Max-date x-month/year   %maxdate_mpast[id~mm~yyyy]%                                                         V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%

                                                            mm: month -12..00..12 have to be at least two-digit, 00=year dates    
                                                            yyy:  Year must be treble, if month -10, -11, -12!!!           	V2.92.0
                                                            yyyy: year must to be always four-digit, there is: 2005 direct year
                                                            0000(000)=current year, -001 is last year and so on ...
Peculiarity:  Is for yyyy: 9999 as year used, the program uses the previously assigned               V2.85.7    
month,year - values. 

Avg.MinTemp. x-month/y.*%avgmintemp_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                         V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%
Avg.MaxTemp. x-month/y.*%avgmaxtemp_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                         V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%

Ice  days x-month/year  %icedays_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                            V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%       
Cold days x-month/year  %colddays_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                           V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%       
Cool days  x-month/year %cooldays_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                           V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%         
Summerdays x-month/year %warmdays_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                           V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%      
Hot days   x-month/year %hotdays_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                            V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%       
Days <= x-month/year    %uldays_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                             V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%
Days >= x-month/year    %uhdays_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                             V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%
Days User3 x-month/year %u3days_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                             V2.95.1     %ws_ignore%
Days User4 x-month/year %u4days_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                             V2.95.1     %ws_ignore%
Days User5 x-month/year %u5days_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                             V2.96.8     %ws_ignore%

Tropics nights year	%tropnightdays_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                      V2.94.0	%ws_ignore%

Soil frost days x-m/y   %frostgrowdays_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                      V2.93.8     %ws_ignore%       

Heatdegree days x-m/y   %heatdegreedays_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                     V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%
Cooldegree days x-m/y   %cooldegreedays_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                     V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%
Growdegree days x-m/y   %growdegreedays_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                     V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%
XHeatdegree days x-m/y  %xheatdegreedays_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                    V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%

Season Ice+Summer days  %season_coldwarmdays[ddmmyyyy~DDMMyyyy]%				V2.99.8.8  	  %ws_ignore%
Season days <0 + >=20°C	%season_cold20warmdays[ddmmyyyy~DDMMyyyy]%                                        	V2.99.8.8     %ws_ignore%
Season days <0 + >=15°C %season_cold15warmdays[ddmmyyyy~DDMMyyyy]%                                        	V2.99.8.8     %ws_ignore%
Season days <0 + >=10°C %season_cold10warmdays[ddmmyyyy~DDMMyyyy]%                                        	V2.99.8.8     %ws_ignore%

Growing temperature     %growingtemp_mpast[00~yyyy]%                                                        V2.93.10	%ws_ignore%
Growing temperat date   %growingtempdate_mpast[00~yyyy]%                                                    V2.93.10	%ws_ignore%

First cold day year     %firstcoldday_mpast[00~yyyy]%         Northern hemisphere = 2.semester              V2.85.7     %ws_ignore%
First cold day/time y.  %firstcolddaytime_mpast[00~yyyy]%                                                   V2.85.7     %ws_ignore%
Value  1. cold day year %firstcolddayval_mpast[00~yyyy]%                                                    V2.85.7     %ws_ignore%

Last cold day year      %lastcoldday_mpast[00~yyyy]%          Northern hemisphere = 1.semester              V2.85.7     %ws_ignore%
Last cold day/time y.   %lastcolddaytime_mpast[00~yyyy]%                                                    V2.85.7     %ws_ignore%
Value last cold day-y   %lastcolddayval_mpast[00~yyyy]%                                                     V2.85.7     %ws_ignore%

1. grow frost day year  %firstgrowfrostday_mpast[00~yyyy]%         Northern hemisphere = 2.semester         V2.93.11    %ws_ignore%
1. grow frost daytime   %firstgrowfrostdaytime_mpast[00~yyyy]%                                              V2.93.11    %ws_ignore%
1. grow frost value     %firstgrowfrostdayval_mpast[00~yyyy]%                                               V2.93.11    %ws_ignore%

Last growfrostday year   %lastgrowfrostday_mpast[00~yyyy]%         Northern hemisphere = 1.semester         V2.93.11    %ws_ignore%
L. growforstdaytime y    %lastgrowfrostdaytime_mpast[00~yyyy]%                                              V2.93.11    %ws_ignore%
value last growfrost     %lastgrowfrostdayval_mpast[00~yyyy]%                                               V2.93.11    %ws_ignore%

Wind number values      %wind_values_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                        V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%
Wind force  0Bft in %   %windbftproz_0_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                      V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%
Wind force  1Bft in %   %windbftproz_1_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                      V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%
Wind force  2Bft in %   %windbftproz_2_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                      V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%
Wind force  3Bft in %   %windbftproz_3_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                      V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%
Wind force  4Bft in %   %windbftproz_4_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                      V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%
Wind force  5Bft in %   %windbftproz_5_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                      V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%
Wind force  6Bft in %   %windbftproz_6_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                      V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%
Wind force  7Bft in %   %windbftproz_7_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                      V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%
Wind force  8Bft in %   %windbftproz_8_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                      V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%
Wind force  9Bft in %   %windbftproz_9_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                      V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%
Wind force 10Bft in %   %windbftproz_10_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                     V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%
Wind force 11Bft in %   %windbftproz_11_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                     V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%
Wind force>=12Bft in%   %windbftproz_12_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                     V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%

Wind force Gust (only valid for WM-918, WMR-9x8, VantagePro)
Gust number values      %windg_values_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                       V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%
Wind force  0Bft in %   %windgbftproz_0_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                     V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%
Wind force  1Bft in %   %windgbftproz_1_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                     V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%
Wind force  2Bft in %   %windgbftproz_2_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                     V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%
Wind force  3Bft in %   %windgbftproz_3_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                     V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%
Wind force  4Bft in %   %windgbftproz_4_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                     V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%
Wind force  5Bft in %   %windgbftproz_5_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                     V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%
Wind force  6Bft in %   %windgbftproz_6_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                     V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%
Wind force  7Bft in %   %windgbftproz_7_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                     V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%
Wind force  8Bft in %   %windgbftproz_8_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                     V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%
Wind force  9Bft in %   %windgbftproz_9_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                     V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%
Wind force 10Bft in %   %windgbftproz_10_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                    V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%
Wind force 11Bft in %   %windgbftproz_11_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                    V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%
Wind force>=12Bft in%   %windgbftproz_12_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                    V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%

Dom. wind direction     %domwind_txt_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                        V2.85.3     %ws_ignore%
Dom. wind direc. gust   %domwindg_txt_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                       V2.85.3     %ws_ignore%

Wind calm in %          %wind_calmproz_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                      V2.85.3     %ws_ignore%
DistributionWD% N-NE    %winddirproz_NNE_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                    V2.85.3     %ws_ignore%
DistributionWD% NE      %winddirproz_NE_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                     V2.85.3     %ws_ignore%
DistributionWD% NE-E    %winddirproz_NEE_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                    V2.85.3     %ws_ignore%
DistributionWD% E       %winddirproz_E_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                      V2.85.3     %ws_ignore%
DistributionWD% E-SE    %winddirproz_ESE_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                    V2.85.3     %ws_ignore%
DistributionWD% SE      %winddirproz_SE_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                     V2.85.3     %ws_ignore%
DistributionWD% SE-S    %winddirproz_SES_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                    V2.85.3     %ws_ignore%
DistributionWD% S       %winddirproz_S_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                      V2.85.3     %ws_ignore%
DistributionWD% S-SW    %winddirproz_SSW_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                    V2.85.3     %ws_ignore%
DistributionWD% SW      %winddirproz_SW_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                     V2.85.3     %ws_ignore%
DistributionWD% SW-W    %winddirproz_SWW_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                    V2.85.3     %ws_ignore%
DistributionWD% W       %winddirproz_W_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                      V2.85.3     %ws_ignore%
DistributionWD% W-NW    %winddirproz_WNW_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                    V2.85.3     %ws_ignore%
DistributionWD% NW      %winddirproz_NW_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                     V2.85.3     %ws_ignore%
DistributionWD% NW-N    %winddirproz_NWN_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                    V2.85.3     %ws_ignore%
DistributionWD% N       %winddirproz_N_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                      V2.85.3     %ws_ignore%

Caution: if all month (12) should be shown, don't use a variable for the year! 
%winddirproz_NNE_mpast[01~0000]%   %winddirproz_NNE_mpast[02~0000]%   %winddirproz_NNE_mpast[03~0000]%   %winddirproz_NNE_mpast[04~0000]%   %winddirproz_NNE_mpast[05~0000]%   %winddirproz_NNE_mpast[06~0000]%   %winddirproz_NNE_mpast[07~0000]%   %winddirproz_NNE_mpast[08~0000]%   %winddirproz_NNE_mpast[09~0000]%   %winddirproz_NNE_mpast[10~0000]%   %winddirproz_NNE_mpast[11~0000]%   %winddirproz_NNE_mpast[12~0000]% V2.97.13     %ws_ignore%

Rain  x-month/year      %rain_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                               V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%

Rain days month/year    %raindays_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                           V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%
Rain days >0mm m/y      %rain0days_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                          V2.91.4     %ws_ignore%
Rain days 2 mm m/y      %rain2days_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                          V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%
Rain days 5 mm m/y      %rain5days_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                          V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%
Rain days 10mm m/y      %rain10days_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                         V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%
Rain days 20mm h/y      %rain20days_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                         V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%

Windrun x-month/year    %windrun_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                            V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%

Evapotransp. x-m./y.    %ws_evapotrans_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                      V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%
ET VantagePro x-m./y.   %ws_evapotransvt_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                    V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%

Timesensor x-month/year %t_sens_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                             V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%
Sun time   x-month/year %sun_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                                V2.85.2     %ws_ignore%
Timesensor decimal      %t_sens_d_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                           V2.91.5     %ws_ignore%
Sun time decimal        %sun_d_mpast[mm~yyyy]%                                                              V2.91.5     %ws_ignore%

----------------------- variables for data for any period  ------------------------------------------------------
		id = -1 .. 46 (-1= main outdoor hum, 0= main outdoor temperature)
		yyyy: year must to be always 4-digit, mm month must be always 2-digit, dd day must be always 2-digit
		Is for yyyy a negative value (f.e -001) set, uses the program the  
		current year minus this value for example 2009 -> 2008
		is for yyyy "0000" used, uses the program the current viewing year. 
  		If the start date is in the future,  so the program declines one year
		If the end date lies in the future, the data are determined until the current day!

		From version V2.97.0 is also supported for end(-date):
		 dd   = 00 = current day
		 dd   < 0 for example -1 (.. -9), days backwards from the current day
		 mm   = 00 = current month
		 yyyy = 0000 = current year  
[2~01090000~30100000]   and the current computer date is 2009-01-10 so the program shows the data
		from 2008-09-01 to 2008-10-30. 
[2~01090000~30100000]   if the current computer date is 2009-11-01 so the program shows the data
		from 2009-09-01 to 2009-10-30. 
[2~0101-003~31120000]   if the current computer date is 2009-11-01 so the program shows the data
		from 2006-01-01 to 2009-11-01. 
[2~0101-003~00000000]   and the current computer date is 2013-01-03 so the program shows the data	V2.97.0
		from 2010-01-01 to 2013-01-03. 
[2~0101-003~-1000000]   and the current computer date is 2013-01-03 so the program shows the data	V2.97.0
		from 2010-01-01 to 2013-01-02.

For invalid data (for example year only 3digits) the program give back "- -" 		

Spring season	%ws_seasontxt_spring[yyyy]%					V2.96.2	%ws_ignore%
Summer season	%ws_seasontxt_summer[yyyy]%					V2.96.2	%ws_ignore%
Autumn season	%ws_seasontxt_autumn[yyyy]%					V2.96.2	%ws_ignore%
Winter season	%ws_seasontxt_winter[yyyy]%					V2.96.2	%ws_ignore%

Spring season	%ws_season_spring[yyyy]%					V2.95.11	%ws_ignore%
Summer season 	%ws_season_summer[yyyy]%					V2.95.11	%ws_ignore%
Autumn season 	%ws_season_autumn[yyyy]%					V2.95.11	%ws_ignore%
Winter season	%ws_season_winter[yyyy]%					V2.95.11	%ws_ignore%

Spring season meteol.   %ws_seasontxt_springmeteo[yyyy]%					V2.98.1	%ws_ignore%
Summer season meteol.	%ws_seasontxt_summermeteo[yyyy]%					V2.98.1	%ws_ignore%
Autumn season meteol.	%ws_seasontxt_autumnmeteo[yyyy]%					V2.98.1	%ws_ignore%
Winter season meteol.	%ws_seasontxt_wintermeteo[yyyy]%					V2.98.1	%ws_ignore%

Spring season meteol.	%ws_season_springmeteo[yyyy]%					V2.98.1	%ws_ignore%	
Summer season meteol.	%ws_season_summermeteo[yyyy]%					V2.98.1	%ws_ignore%
Autumn season meteol.	%ws_season_autumnmeteo[yyyy]%					V2.98.1	%ws_ignore%
Winter season meteol.	%ws_season_wintermeteo[yyyy]%					V2.98.1	%ws_ignore%

Example: current day is  17.09.2015/2015-09-17	
Spring season meteol.   [0000]=01032015~31052015						%ws_ignore%	
Summer season meteol.	[0000]=01062015~31052015						%ws_ignore%	
Autumn season meteol.	[0000]=01092015~31052015						%ws_ignore%	
Winter season meteol.	[0000]=01122014~28022015						%ws_ignore%	

Spring season meteol.   [-001]=01032014~31052014						%ws_ignore%	
Summer season meteol.	[-001]=01062014~31052014						%ws_ignore%	
Autumn season meteol.	[-001]=01092014~31052014						%ws_ignore%	
Winter season meteol.	[-001]=01122014~28022015						%ws_ignore%	

Spring season meteol.   [-901]=01032014~31052014						%ws_ignore%	
Summer season meteol.	[-901]=01062014~31052014						%ws_ignore%	
Autumn season meteol.	[-901]=01092014~31052014						%ws_ignore%	
Winter season meteol.	[-901]=01122013~28022014						%ws_ignore%	

Spring season meteol.   [-902]=01032013~31052013						%ws_ignore%	
Summer season meteol.	[-902]=01062013~31052013						%ws_ignore%	
Autumn season meteol.	[-902]=01092013~31052013						%ws_ignore%	
Winter season meteol.	[-902]=01122012~28022013						%ws_ignore%	

Example: current day is 27.03.2011/2011-03-27							%ws_ignore%
Spring season	[0000]=21032011~20062011	from V2.96.4 also -901, -902 and so on		%ws_ignore%
Summer season 	[0000]=21062010~22092010	as relative reference possibly: here the program goes	%ws_ignore%
Autumn season 	[0000]=23092010~21122010	another year back, if the period didn't just start	%ws_ignore%
Winter season	[0000]=22122010~20032011

Spring season	[-001]=20032010~20062010						%ws_ignore%
Summer season 	[-001]=21062010~22092010						%ws_ignore%
Autumn season 	[-001]=23092010~21122010						%ws_ignore%
Winter season	[-001]=22122010~20032011						%ws_ignore%

Spring season	[-901]=20032010~20062010						%ws_ignore%
Summer season 	[-901]=21062009~21092009						%ws_ignore%
Autumn season 	[-901]=22092009~20122009						%ws_ignore%
Winter season	[-901]=21122009~19032010						%ws_ignore%

Spring season	[-902]=20032009~20062009						%ws_ignore%
Summer season 	[-902]=21062008~21092008						%ws_ignore%
Autumn season 	[-902]=22092008~20122008						%ws_ignore%
Winter season	[-902]=21122008~19032009						%ws_ignore%

Period month/year	%ws_seasontxt_monthyear[mm~yyyy]%					V2.96.2	%ws_ignore%

Period month/year	%ws_seasontxt_monthyear[00~-002]%					V2.96.2	%ws_ignore%
Period month/year	%ws_seasontxt_monthyear[00~0000]%					V2.96.2	%ws_ignore%
Period month/year	%ws_seasontxt_monthyear[-1~-001]%					V2.96.2	%ws_ignore%
Period month/year	%ws_seasontxt_monthyear[-12~-01]%					V2.96.2	%ws_ignore%
Period month/year	%ws_seasontxt_monthyear[-12~000]%					V2.96.2	%ws_ignore%

Period month/year	%ws_season_monthyear[00~-002]%					V2.96.2	%ws_ignore%
Period month/year	%ws_season_monthyear[00~0000]%					V2.96.2	%ws_ignore%
Period month/year	%ws_season_monthyear[-1~-001]%					V2.96.2	%ws_ignore%
Season Cool days  	%season_cooldays[%ws_season_monthyear[-1~-001]%]%			V2.96.2	%ws_ignore% 

Period month/year	%ws_season_monthyear[mm~yyyy]%					V2.96.2	%ws_ignore%
                                                            mm: month -12..00..12 have to be at least two-digit, 00=year dates    
                                                            yyy:  Year must be treble, if month -10, -11, -12!!!           	
                                                            yyyy: year must to be always four-digit, there is: 2005(example) direct year
                                                            0000(000)=current year, -001 is last year and so on ...
                                                            is mm~yyyy -> 99~0000 so the period from recording begin to the
                                                            current day is used!
Compare month/year min	%season_monthmin[id~mm~bbbb~eeeeN]% -> Result only value			V2.97.0	%ws_ignore%
Compare month/year max	%season_monthmax[id~mm~bbbb~eeeeN]% -> Result only value			V2.97.0	%ws_ignore%
Year of the comparison	%season_year% - > query in new line					V2.97.0	%ws_ignore%
Compare m/y min	%season_monthminr[id~mm~bbbb~eeeeN]% - > result year month and value		V2.97.5 mod	%ws_ignore%
Compare m/y Max	%season_monthmaxr[id~mm~bbbb~eeeeN]% - > result year month and value		V2.97.5 mod	%ws_ignore%
Year of the comparison 	%season_yearr% > in same line, like variable - doesn't work with _mpast!	V2.97.0	%ws_ignore%
Compare m/y min	%season_monthmind[id~mm~bbbb~eeeeN]% - > result date and value		V2.97.0	%ws_ignore%
Compare m/y Max	%season_monthmaxd[id~mm~bbbb~eeeeN]% - > result date and value		V2.97.0	%ws_ignore%
		-> if date not correct (with A,B,C = average) result is year and value		V2.97.5 mod	%ws_ignore%
		-> With min and A and ID34=Rain or ID37=Sunshine or ID39=RainTime
		   the minimally value must be greater 0 (example 0.001) otherwise the programs ignores such. 
		-> With min and D and ID34=Rain or ID37=Sunshine or ID39=RainTime
		   also a minimally value of "0" is allowed. 

                        id = -1 .. 46  (-1=main outdoor humidity, 0=main outdoor temperature)
                        mm: Month 01..12 must be at least two-digit, 00=year, 99=current month, 99=all months 
                        bbbb: beginning-year - must be four-digit, 0000=year of record-start/available since 
                        eeee: end-year - must be four-digit, 0000=current year
		N=Compare Typ:   
		A=Month(year)-average value
		B=Month(year)-average-minimal-value, only with id=0 as well as. main outdoor temp.sensor
		C=Month(year)-average-maximum-value, only with id=0 as well as. main outdoor temp.sensor
		D=Month(year)-average value -> take "0"-values into account
		S=month(year)-Sum average: only for ID = 34,37,38,39,40 (rain, sunshine, sun, rain time, ET)
                        R= as S only for year and ID = 34.37,38,39,40 with logging in the wswinerr.txt file
                        T= as S only for year for ID = 34,37,38,39,40 with consideration of 0 values (except for year!)
                        S=month(year) average of mean values: for all IDs except 34,37,39,40 				  V2.98.5
                        X=month-day maximum value: only for ID = 35.45,38,41,42 (wind, gust of wind, brightness, UV, solar radiation) V2.97.13

		Result YYYY VVVV (year value) at season_monthminr as well as season_monthmaxr
		with 0000 for year as well as 99/98 for month the program did not takes into account the data for average-values  
		the current year as well as current month. 

For id = 35,45,38,41,42 (Wind,Gust,Brightness,UV,Solarradiation) und Compare Typ X X=Monthly-day-max-value 	V2.97.13
the Result is the minimum of all day-maxima for the choosen month over years! 
Compare month min	%season_monthmin[id~mm~bbbb~eeeeX]% -> result only value			V2.97.13 	%ws_ignore%
Compare month min	%season_monthminr[id~mm~bbbb~eeeeX]% -> result year month and value		V2.97.13 	%ws_ignore%
Compare month min	%season_monthmind[id~mm~bbbb~eeeeX]% -> result date and value		V2.97.13 	%ws_ignore%

For id = 34,37,39,40 (Rain, Sunshinetime, Rain duration,ET) and Compare Typ S S=Month/Year-Sum-averages-value	V2.98.0
Average Month/Year	%season_monthmin[id~mm~bbbb~eeeeS]% -> with consideration of 0 values		V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%
Average Month/Year 	%season_monthmax[id~mm~bbbb~eeeeS]% -> without consideration of 0 values	V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%

%justify_on%								%ws_ignore%
Yearly-comparison min 0		%season_monthminr[0~00~0000~0000L]%				V2.97.0	%ws_ignore%
Yearly-comparison min 0		%season_monthminr[0~00~0000~0000A]%				V2.97.0	%ws_ignore%
Yearly-comparison max 0		%season_monthmaxr[0~00~0000~0000A]%				V2.97.0	%ws_ignore%
Yearly-comparison max 0		%season_monthmaxr[0~00~0000~0000H]%				V2.97.0	%ws_ignore%
Yearly-comparison min 34	%season_monthminr[34~00~0000~0000A]%			V2.97.0	%ws_ignore%
Yearly-comparison max 34	%season_monthmaxr[34~00~0000~0000A]%			V2.97.0	%ws_ignore%
Yearly-comparison min 37	%season_monthminr[37~00~0000~0000A]%			V2.97.0	%ws_ignore%
Yearly-comparison max 37	%season_monthmaxr[37~00~0000~0000A]%			V2.97.0	%ws_ignore%
Yearly-comparison max 38	%season_monthmaxr[38~00~0000~0000A]%			V2.97.0	%ws_ignore%
Yearly-comparison min 38	%season_monthminr[38~00~0000~0000A]%			V2.97.0	%ws_ignore%
Yearly-comparison min 39	%season_monthminr[39~00~0000~0000A]%			V2.97.0	%ws_ignore%
Yearly-comparison max 39	%season_monthmaxr[39~00~0000~0000A]%			V2.97.0	%ws_ignore%
%justify_off% 								%ws_ignore%
Yearly-comparison min date	%ws_instr=1~10~%season_monthmind[0~00~0000~0000L]%%		V2.97.0	%ws_ignore%
Yearly-comparison min value	%ws_instr=11~15~%season_monthmind[0~00~0000~0000L]%%		V2.97.0	%ws_ignore%

Month compare max 34		%season_monthmaxr[34~99~0000~0000A]%			V2.97.0	%ws_ignore%
All month compare max 34	%season_monthmaxr[34~98~0000~0000A]%			V2.97.5	%ws_ignore%

Monthly average rain1	%season_monthmax[34~01~0000~0000S]%	without consideration of 0 mm (no rain)	V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%
Monthly average rain2	%season_monthmax[34~02~0000~0000S]%	without consideration of 0 mm (no rain)	V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%
Monthly average rain3	%season_monthmax[34~03~0000~0000S]%	without consideration of 0 mm (no rain)	V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%
Monthly average rain4	%season_monthmax[34~04~0000~0000S]%	without consideration of 0 mm (no rain)	V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%
Monthly average rain5	%season_monthmax[34~05~0000~0000S]%	without consideration of 0 mm (no rain)	V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%
Monthly average rain6	%season_monthmax[34~06~0000~0000S]%	without consideration of 0 mm (no rain)	V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%
Monthly average rain7	%season_monthmax[34~07~0000~0000S]%	without consideration of 0 mm (no rain)	V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%
Monthly average rain8	%season_monthmax[34~08~0000~0000S]%	without consideration of 0 mm (no rain)	V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%
Monthly average rain9	%season_monthmax[34~09~0000~0000S]%	without consideration of 0 mm (no rain)	V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%
Monthly average rain10  %season_monthmax[34~10~0000~0000S]%	without consideration of 0 mm (no rain)	V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%
Monthly average rain11  %season_monthmax[34~11~0000~0000S]%	without consideration of 0 mm (no rain)	V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%
Monthly average rain12  %season_monthmax[34~12~0000~0000S]%	without consideration of 0 mm (no rain)	V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%
%ws_setmem[21]=%season_monthmax[34~01~0000~0000S]%%	%ws_delline%			V2.98.0
%ws_setmem[22]=%season_monthmax[34~02~0000~0000S]%%	%ws_delline%			V2.98.0
%ws_setmem[23]=%season_monthmax[34~03~0000~0000S]%%	%ws_delline%			V2.98.0
%ws_setmem[24]=%season_monthmax[34~04~0000~0000S]%%	%ws_delline%			V2.98.0
%ws_setmem[25]=%season_monthmax[34~05~0000~0000S]%%	%ws_delline%			V2.98.0
%ws_setmem[26]=%season_monthmax[34~06~0000~0000S]%%	%ws_delline%			V2.98.0
%ws_setmem[27]=%season_monthmax[34~07~0000~0000S]%%	%ws_delline%			V2.98.0
%ws_setmem[29]=%season_monthmax[34~08~0000~0000S]%%	%ws_delline%			V2.98.0
%ws_setmem[30]=%season_monthmax[34~09~0000~0000S]%%	%ws_delline%			V2.98.0
%ws_setmem[31]=%season_monthmax[34~10~0000~0000S]%%	%ws_delline%			V2.98.0
%ws_setmem[32]=%season_monthmax[34~11~0000~0000S]%%	%ws_delline%			V2.98.0
%ws_setmem[33]=%season_monthmax[34~12~0000~0000S]%%	%ws_delline%			V2.98.0
%ws_setmem[28]=test xxx%			%ws_delline%			V2.98.0

Yearly average Rain 	%ws_calcmem[+]=21~33~3%
Yearly average Rain	%season_monthmax[34~00~0000~0000S]%	without consideration of 0 mm (no rain)	V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%
Average Monthly average	%ws_calcmem[0]=21~33~3%

Monthly average sun	%season_monthmax[37~01~0000~0000S]%	without consideration of 0 min (no sun)	V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%
Yearly average sun	%season_monthmax[37~00~0000~0000S]%	without consideration of 0 min (no sun)	V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%
Monthly average sun	%season_monthmin[37~01~0000~0000S]%	with consideration of 0 min (no sun)	V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%
Yearly average sun	%season_monthmin[37~00~0000~0000S]%	with consideration of 0 min (no sun)	V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%

Season Average         *%season_avg[id~ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%                                                  V2.94.0	%ws_ignore%
Season Sum             *%season_sum[id~ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%                                                  V2.94.0	%ws_ignore%
Season MinValue        *%season_min[id~ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%                                                  V2.94.0	%ws_ignore%
Season MinTime          %season_mintime[id~ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%                                              V2.94.0	%ws_ignore%
Season MinDate          %season_mindate[id~ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%                                              V2.94.0	%ws_ignore%
Season MinTime+Date     %season_mindt[id~ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%                                                V2.95.6	%ws_ignore%
Season MaxValue        *%season_max[id~ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%                                                  V2.94.0	%ws_ignore%
Season MaxTime          %season_maxtime[id~ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%                                              V2.94.0	%ws_ignore%
Season MaxDate          %season_maxdate[id~ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%                                              V2.94.0	%ws_ignore%
Season MaxTime+Date     %season_maxdt[id~ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%                                                V2.95.6	%ws_ignore%

Season MinAvgValue     *%season_minavg[id~ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%                                               V2.98.5	%ws_ignore%     
Season MinAvgDate       %season_minavgdate[id~ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%                                           V2.98.5	%ws_ignore% 
Season MaxAvgValue     *%season_maxavg[id~ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%                                               V2.98.5	%ws_ignore%     
Season MaxAvgDate       %season_maxavgdate[id~ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%                                           V2.98.5	%ws_ignore%

Season AVGMinValue     *%season_avgmin[id~ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%                                               V2.99.8.9	%ws_ignore%
Season AVGMaxValue     *%season_avgmax[id~ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%                                               V2.99.8.9	%ws_ignore%

Season Average         *%season_avg[0~21122007~20032008]%	                                                V2.94.0	%ws_ignore%
Season MinValue        *%season_min[0~%ws_season_winter[-001]%]%	                                    V2.94.0	%ws_ignore%
Season MinTime          %season_mintime[0~%ws_season_winter[-001]%]%                                        V2.94.0	%ws_ignore%
Season MinDate          %season_mindate[0~%ws_season_winter[-001]%]%                                        V2.94.0	%ws_ignore%
Season MaxValue        *%season_max[0~%ws_season_winter[-000]%]%	                                    V2.94.0	%ws_ignore%
Season MaxTime          %season_maxtime[0~21122007~20032008]%                                               V2.94.0	%ws_ignore%
Season MaxDate          %season_maxdate[0~21122007~20032008]%                                               V2.94.0	%ws_ignore%

Season MaxSumValue     *%season_maxs[id~ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%         (id=34 Rain, id=40 ET)		V2.97.12	%ws_ignore%
Season MaxSumDate       %season_maxsdate[id~ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%     (id=34 Rain, id=40 ET)		V2.97.12	%ws_ignore%
Season MaxSumValue     *%season_maxs[34~01012013~31122013]%                                 		V2.97.12	%ws_ignore%
Season MaxSumDate       %season_maxsdate[34~01012013~31122013]%                             		V2.97.12	%ws_ignore%
Season MaxSumValue     *%season_maxs[40~01012013~31122013]%    				V2.97.12	%ws_ignore%
Season MaxSumDate       %season_maxsdate[40~01012013~31122013]%				V2.97.12	%ws_ignore%

Peculiarity: %season_dayminmax and %season_dayminmaxd from V2.97.13
Season DayMinMaxValue  *%season_dayminmax[id~ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]% for ID=35,45,38,41,42  	            V2.97.13 mod %ws_ignore% 
Season DayMinMaxVDate   %season_dayminmaxd[id~ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]% for ID=35,45,38,41,42		V2.97.13 mod %ws_ignore% 
For Wind, Gust, Brightness, UV and Solarradiation is the minimal Max-value reported. 

Season DayMinMaxValue   *%season_dayminmax[42~%ws_day2%%ws_month2%2003~%ws_day2%%ws_month2%0000]%  
Season DayMinMaxVDate  %season_dayminmaxd[42~%ws_day2%%ws_month2%2003~%ws_day2%%ws_month2%0000]%

Days comparison over years
Season DayMinValue     *%season_daymin[id~ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%				V2.97.8	%ws_ignore% 
Season DayMinValueDate  %season_daymind[id~ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%				V2.97.8	%ws_ignore% 
Season DayMaxValue     *%season_daymax[id~ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%				V2.97.8	%ws_ignore%
Season DayMaxValueDate  %season_daymaxd[id~ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%				V2.97.8	%ws_ignore%
Season DayAvgMinValue  *%season_dayavgmin[id~ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%				V2.97.8	%ws_ignore% 
Season DayAvgMinDate    %season_dayavgmind[id~ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%				V2.97.8	%ws_ignore% 
Season DayAvgMaxValue  *%season_dayavgmax[id~ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%				V2.97.8	%ws_ignore%
Season DayAvgMaxDate    %season_dayavgmaxd[id~ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%				V2.97.8	%ws_ignore%

Season DayMinMaxValue  *%season_dayminmax[id~ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%				V2.97.12	%ws_ignore% 
Season DayMinMaxVDate   %season_dayminmaxd[id~ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%				V2.97.12	%ws_ignore% 
Season DayMinMaxVTime   %season_dayminmaxt[id~ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%				V2.99.0	%ws_ignore% 

Season DayMaxMinValue  *%season_daymaxmin[id~ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%				V2.97.12	%ws_ignore%
Season DayMaxMinVDate   %season_daymaxmind[id~ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%				V2.97.12	%ws_ignore%
Season DayMaxMinVTime   %season_daymaxmint[id~ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%				V2.99.0	%ws_ignore%

		For begin date and yyyy=0000 uses the program the settings for 
		- sensor available since - or
		- recording begin - or 
		- the year 1980 (if there is no other setting!)
		dd = 00 - the current day is automatically used for this. 			V2.98.5
		mm = 00 - the current month is used 				V2.98.5
		-> very easy to use with templatebegin (template line)

		With DayMinMaxV as well as DayMaxMin and the start-day and end-day are different	V2.99.0
		the program compares all days of the period = day-step, otherwise year-step 

Special feature %season_dayminmax and %season_dayminmaxd from V2.97.13
Season TagMinMaxValue  *%season_dayminmax[id~ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]% for ID=35,45,38,41,42		 V2.97.13 mod% ws_ignore%
Season DayMinMaxVDate   %season_dayminmaxd[id~ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]% for ID=35,45,38,41,42		 V2.97.13 mod% ws_ignore%
For wind, wind gust, brightness, UV and solar radiation, the minimum max Value is now reported.

Season DayMinMaxValue *%season_dayminmax[42~%ws_day2%%ws_month2%2003~%ws_day2%%ws_month2%0000]%
Season DayMinMaxVDate  %season_dayminmaxd[42~%ws_day2%%ws_month2%2003~%ws_day2%%ws_month2%0000]%

From V2.98.5 also possible
                        instead of
Season DayMinValue     *%season_daymin[0~%ws_day2%%ws_month2%0000~%ws_day2%%ws_month2%0000]% 
Season DayMinValueDate  %season_daymind[0~%ws_day2%%ws_month2%0000~%ws_day2%%ws_month2%0000]% 
Season DayMaxValue     *%season_daymax[0~%ws_day2%%ws_month2%0000~%ws_day2%%ws_month2%0000]%
Season DayMaxValueDate  %season_daymaxd[0~%ws_day2%%ws_month2%0000~%ws_day2%%ws_month2%0000]%
Season DayMinMaxValue  *%season_dayminmax[0~%ws_day2%%ws_month2%0000~%ws_day2%%ws_month2%0000]%		%ws_ignore%
Season DayMinMaxVDate   %season_dayminmaxd[0~%ws_day2%%ws_month2%0000~%ws_day2%%ws_month2%0000]%	%ws_ignore%
Season DayMaxMinValue  *%season_daymaxmin[0~%ws_day2%%ws_month2%0000~%ws_day2%%ws_month2%0000]%		%ws_ignore%
Season DayMaxMinVDate   %season_daymaxmind[0~%ws_day2%%ws_month2%0000~%ws_day2%%ws_month2%0000]%	%ws_ignore%
Season DayAvgMinValue  *%season_dayavgmin[0~%ws_day2%%ws_month2%0000~%ws_day2%%ws_month2%0000]%		%ws_ignore%
Season DayAvgMinDate   %season_dayavgmind[0~%ws_day2%%ws_month2%0000~%ws_day2%%ws_month2%0000]%		%ws_ignore%
Season DayAvgMaxValue  *%season_dayavgmax[0~%ws_day2%%ws_month2%0000~%ws_day2%%ws_month2%0000]%		%ws_ignore%
Season DayAvgMaxDate   %season_dayavgmaxd[0~%ws_day2%%ws_month2%0000~%ws_day2%%ws_month2%0000]%		%ws_ignore%

Season MinAVGWert      *%season_minavg[2~01032021~31032021]%	%season_days%
Season MaxAVGWert      *%season_maxavg[2~01032021~31032021]%	%season_days%
Season AVGMinWert      *%season_avgmin[2~01032021~31032021]%	%season_days%		V2.99.8.9
Season AVGMaxWert      *%season_avgmax[2~01032021~31032021]%	%season_days%		V2.99.8.9

Season Average         *%season_avg[2~21122007~20032008]%	                                                V2.94.0	%ws_ignore%    
Season Average          %ws_newunit[0]=1%*%season_avg[0~21122007~20032008]% - %season_days%                 V2.94.0	%ws_ignore%	
whole year              %season_avg[0~0101-001~3112-001]% -  and here are %season_days% with data found.    V2.94.0	%ws_ignore%
Season days             %season_days%						V2.94.0	%ws_ignore%
		this variable reports days where are data available 
		Only meaningful, if only one Season-Variable occurs in the line
		or only same time limits are used in a line!!

Season frost duration   %season_frostduration[%ws_season_monthyear[00~0000]%]%                              V2.96.2	 %ws_ignore%      
Season frost duration  	%season_frostduration[%ws_season_monthyear[00~-001]%]%                              V2.96.2      %ws_ignore%     
Season frost duration	%season_frostduration[01092007~31082010]%                             	            V2.96.2      %ws_ignore%     

Season frost duration   %ws_setmem[20]=%season_frostduration[%ws_season_monthyear[00~0000]%]%%		V2.96.2      %ws_ignore% 
Frost begin  	%ws_instr=1~17~%ws_getmem[20]%%					V2.96.2      %ws_ignore% 
Frost end   	%ws_instr=23~17~%ws_getmem[20]%%					V2.96.2      %ws_ignore% 
Frost duration 	%ws_instr=41~20~%ws_getmem[20]%%					V2.96.2      %ws_ignore% 

Season dryness duration %season_drynessduration[%ws_season_monthyear[00~0000]%]%                            V2.96.2      %ws_ignore%     
Season dryness duration %season_drynessduration[%ws_season_monthyear[00~-001]%]%                            V2.96.2      %ws_ignore%     
Season dryness duration %season_drynessduration[01092007~31082010]%                                         V2.96.2      %ws_ignore%     

Season frost duration	%season_frostduration[ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%                                           V2.96.2      %ws_ignore%       
Season dryness duration %season_drynessduration[ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%                                         V2.96.2      %ws_ignore%       

Monthly-/Yearly-interpretation over years as well as the set time period: 			V2.97.12

Condition: dd=32..35 = only same Months as well as Years are appraised
dd=32=avg; dd=33=max; dd=34=min; dd=35=avg with current month/year # mm = 00=Year 01..12 Month
For the end period (DDMMyyyy) the day as well as the month are ignored.  
With this Monthly- as well as Yearly-interpretation also is allowed:

Season Ice days    	%season_icedays[32000000~00000000]% = yearly-average-interpretation 		V2.97.12	%ws_ignore% 
here the average value is calculated with the data since data collecting begin until without current year
Season Ice days    	%season_icedays[32010000~00000000]% = average of all Januaries 		V2.97.12	%ws_ignore% 
here the average value is calculated with the data since data collecting begin until current year,
if exactly the current month is January, this January is not taken into account!

With dd=33 as well as dd=34 in the variable %season_days% reports the corresponding year!
With dd=32 as well as dd=35 in the variable %season_days% reports the number of the taken into account years!
With dd=32=avg and dd=34=min, the current year as well as the current month doesn't take into account!

Otherwise if dd=01..31 the values for the pre-determined period - and				V2.94.0
yyyy=0000 for Start Year the current Year is used! 					V2.94.0

Season Ice days   	%season_icedays[ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%                                                 V2.97.12 mod  %ws_ignore%       
Season Frost days  	%season_colddays[ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%                                                V2.97.12 mod  %ws_ignore%       
Season Cool days   	%season_cooldays[ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%                                                V2.97.12 mod  %ws_ignore%         
Season Summer days 	%season_warmdays[ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%                                                V2.97.12 mod  %ws_ignore%      
Season Hot days  	%season_hotdays[ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%                                                 V2.97.12 mod  %ws_ignore%       
Season days <=     	%season_uldays[ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%                                                  V2.97.12 mod  %ws_ignore%
Season days >=     	%season_uhdays[ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%                                                  V2.97.12 mod  %ws_ignore%
Season days User3     	%season_u3days[ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%                                                  V2.97.12 mod  %ws_ignore%
Season days User4     	%season_u4days[ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%                                                  V2.97.12 mod  %ws_ignore%
Season days User5     	%season_u5days[ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%                                                  V2.97.12 mod  %ws_ignore%

Season trop nights	%season_tropndays[ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%				V2.97.12 mod  %ws_ignore% 
		Note: only whole months always becomes take into account!

Season frost grow days	%season_frostgrowdays[ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%                                           V2.97.12 mod  %ws_ignore%       
Season rain days	%season_raindays[ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%                                                V2.97.12 mod  %ws_ignore%       
Season rain days >2mm	%season_rain2days[ddmmyyyy~DDMMyyyy]%                                               V2.99.4 mod	  %ws_ignore%       
Season rain days >5mm	%season_rain5days[ddmmyyyy~DDMMyyyy]%                                               V2.99.4 mod	  %ws_ignore%       
Season rain days >10mm	%season_rain10days[ddmmyyyy~DDMMyyyy]%                                              V2.99.4 mod	  %ws_ignore%       
Season rain days >20mm	%season_rain20days[ddmmyyyy~DDMMyyyy]%                                              V2.99.4 mod	  %ws_ignore%       
Season Heatdegree days  %season_heatddays[ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%                                               V2.97.12 mod  %ws_ignore% 
Season Cooldegree days  %season_coolddays[ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%                                               V2.97.12 mod  %ws_ignore% 
Season Growdegree days  %season_growddays[ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%                                               V2.97.12 mod  %ws_ignore% 
Season XHeatdegree days %season_xheatddays[ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%                                              V2.97.12 mod  %ws_ignore% 

Season Ice days avg   	%season_icedays[32000000~00000000]%					V2.97.12 mod  %ws_ignore%             
Season Ice days avg   	%season_icedays[35000000~00000000]%					V2.97.12 mod  %ws_ignore%             
Season Summerdays avg07 %season_warmdays[32070000~00000000]%				V2.97.12 mod  %ws_ignore%
Season Summerdays avg07 %season_warmdays[35070000~00000000]%				V2.97.12 mod  %ws_ignore%            

Season Summer days min  %season_warmdays[33000000~00000000]% 	%season_days%		V2.97.12     %ws_ignore%            
Season Summer days max 	%season_warmdays[34000000~00000000]%	%season_days%		V2.97.12     %ws_ignore%            

Season rain days	%season_raindaysx[ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy~vvvvv]%                                         V2.96.0     %ws_ignore%       
Season Growdegree days  %season_growddaysx[ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy~vvvvv]%                                        V2.96.0     %ws_ignore% 
Season days <=     	%season_uldaysx[ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy~vvvvvN]%                                          V2.96.0     %ws_ignore%
Season days >=     	%season_uhdaysx[ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy~vvvvvN]%                                          V2.96.0     %ws_ignore%

Season days <=     	%season_idldaysx[id~ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy~vvvvvvN]%                                     V2.96.8     %ws_ignore%
Season days >=     	%season_idhdaysx[id~ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy~vvvvvvN]%                                     V2.96.8     %ws_ignore%

Season Period <=     	%season_idldaypx[id~ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy~vvvvvvN]% 			V2.97.12     %ws_ignore%
Season Period >=     	%season_idhdaypx[id~ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy~vvvvvvN]% 			V2.97.12     %ws_ignore%	

		N=CompareTyp: A=Day-Averages-Value, L=Day-Min-Value, H=Day-Max-Value
		the compare value vvvvv must be always 5 signs (example 00002; 003.5; -01.5 ) !!!
		vvvvv is °C or mm !!! - other Units are not supported	

		With season_idhdaysx/idhdaypx or season_idldaysx/idldaypx the set units are used! and
		the compare value vvvvvv must always have 6 signs  (for example 000002; 0003,5; -001,5 ) !!!

		For idhdaypx or idldaypx and comparison type "T" the
		Earliest day and the latest date of occurrence of this values reported 		V2.98.5

		But beware!
		If you want to use this variable type for first/last frost day,
		Here only exactly this variable is supported season_idldaypx[0~ddmmyyyy~00000000~0000,0T]
		- "00000000" must be used for the end date!
First/Last Frost Day    %season_idldaypx[0~00000000~00000000~0000,0T]% 				V2.98.5	%ws_ignore%
First/Last Frost Day    %season_idldaypx[0~01012016~00000000~0000,0T]%					%ws_ignore%
First/Last Frost Day    %season_idldaypx[0~01012015~00000000~0000,0T]%					%ws_ignore%

Season rain days	%season_raindaysx[01012009~31122010~002.5]%                                         V2.96.0     %ws_ignore% 
Season Growdegree days  %season_growddaysx[01012009~31122010~012.5]%                                        V2.96.0     %ws_ignore%
Season days <=     	%season_uldaysx[01012009~31122010~-05.5A]%                                          V2.96.0     %ws_ignore%  
Season days >=     	%season_uhdaysx[01012009~31122010~015.5A]%                                          V2.96.0     %ws_ignore%  
Season days >=     	%season_idhdaysx[43~01012009~31122010~0016.5H]%				V2.96.8     %ws_ignore%
Season days >=     	%season_idhdaysx[33~01012009~31122010~1035.0H]%                                     V2.96.8     %ws_ignore%     

Season period <= L   	%season_idldaypx[0~01010000~31120000~0020,0L]%                                      V2.97.12     %ws_ignore%
Season period >= L   	%season_idhdaypx[0~01010000~31120000~0020,0L]%                                      V2.97.12     %ws_ignore%
Season period <= H   	%season_idldaypx[0~01010000~31120000~0020,0H]%				V2.97.12     %ws_ignore%
Season period >= H   	%season_idhdaypx[0~01010000~31120000~0020,0H]%                                      V2.97.12     %ws_ignore%
Season period <= A   	%season_idldaypx[0~01010000~31120000~0020,0A]%				V2.97.12     %ws_ignore%
Season period >= A   	%season_idhdaypx[0~01010000~31120000~0020,0A]%                                      V2.97.12     %ws_ignore%

First or last occurrence summer day:
Season Occurrence >=H	%season_idhdaypx[0~00000000~00000000~0025,0T]%				V2.98.5	%ws_ignore%

First or last occurrence -10 ° C
Season Occurrence <=L	%season_idldaypx[0~00000000~00000000~-010,0T]%				V2.98.5	%ws_ignore%

Growing-temperature daily 
		Special case: here must be the comparison-value 00000, otherwise 
		are the Growth-days calculated!
%templatebegin%%ws_day2%.%ws_month2%.%ws_year%  %season_growddaysx[01012012~%ws_day2%%ws_month2%%ws_year%~00000]%	%ws_ignore%    
Growing-temp with today	%season_growddaysx[01010000~00000000~00000]%	... normally not correct!	V2.97.0	%ws_ignore%
Growing-temp without t.	%season_growddaysx[01010000~-1000000~00000]%				V2.97.0	%ws_ignore%

		The season variable can be also worked off direct in the program
		-> Weather, Weather forecast, statistic dates
		and here you can store it in the ws_store.cfg (variables store files).
		You freeing your system with it with the work off of the customised user files.
		Furthermore, template_season.txt is anticipated specifically for this!
List of the individual days - Variable should be only once in the line!

List Trop nights	%season_l_tropndays[01012005~31122018]%	
List Trop nights	%season_l_tropndays[00000000~00000000]%

List Ice days   	%season_l_icedays[ddmmyyyy~DDMMyyyy]%                                               V2.99.4  %ws_ignore%
List Frost days   	%season_l_colddays[ddmmyyyy~DDMMyyyy]%                                              V2.99.4  %ws_ignore%
List Cool days  	%season_l_cooldays[ddmmyyyy~DDMMyyyy]%                                              V2.99.4  %ws_ignore%
List Summer days  	%season_l_warmdays[ddmmyyyy~DDMMyyyy]%                                              V2.99.4  %ws_ignore%
List Hot days  	%season_l_hotdays[ddmmyyyy~DDMMyyyy]%                                               V2.99.4  %ws_ignore%
List Days <=     	%season_l_uldays[ddmmyyyy~DDMMyyyy]%                                                V2.99.4  %ws_ignore%
List Days >=     	%season_l_uhdays[ddmmyyyy~DDMMyyyy]%                                                V2.99.4  %ws_ignore%
List Frost grow days	%season_l_frostgrowdays[ddmmyyyy~DDMMyyyy]%                                         V2.99.4  %ws_ignore%

List Days <0 + >=25°C 	%season_l_coldwarmdays[ddmmyyyy~DDMMyyyy]%                                          V2.99.8.8  %ws_ignore%
List Days <0 + >=20°C 	%season_l_cold20warmdays[ddmmyyyy~DDMMyyyy]%                                        V2.99.8.8  %ws_ignore%
List Days <0 + >=15°C 	%season_l_cold15warmdays[ddmmyyyy~DDMMyyyy]%                                        V2.99.8.8  %ws_ignore%
List Days <0 + >=10°C 	%season_l_cold10warmdays[ddmmyyyy~DDMMyyyy]%                                        V2.99.8.8  %ws_ignore%
List Difference xx°C    %season_l_diffxxdays[xx~ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%	xx: 15-30°C			V2.99.8.8  %ws_ignore%

List Rain days	%season_l_raindays[ddmmyyyy~DDMMyyyy]%                                              V2.99.4  %ws_ignore%
List Rain days >2mm	%season_l_rain2days[ddmmyyyy~DDMMyyyy]%                                             V2.99.4  %ws_ignore%
List Rain days >5mm	%season_l_rain5days[ddmmyyyy~DDMMyyyy]%                                             V2.99.4  %ws_ignore%
List Rain days >10mm	%season_l_rain10days[ddmmyyyy~DDMMyyyy]%                                            V2.99.4  %ws_ignore%
List Rain days >20mm	%season_l_rain20days[ddmmyyyy~DDMMyyyy]%                                            V2.99.4  %ws_ignore%

List Days User3	%season_l_u3days[ddmmyyyy~DDMMyyyy]%                                                V2.99.4  %ws_ignore%
List Days User4	%season_l_u4days[ddmmyyyy~DDMMyyyy]%                                                V2.99.4  %ws_ignore%
List Days User5	%season_l_u5days[ddmmyyyy~DDMMyyyy]%                                                V2.99.4  %ws_ignore%

List Trop nights	%season_l_tropndays[ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%				V2.99.4  %ws_ignore%

Season DayMinValue      %season_l_daymin[id~ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%				V2.99.8.8	%ws_ignore% 
Season DayMaxValue      %season_l_Daymax[id~ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%				V2.99.8.8	%ws_ignore%
Season DayMinMaxValue   %season_l_Dayminmax[id~ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%				V2.99.8.8	%ws_ignore% 
Season DayMaxMinValue   %season_l_Daymaxmin[id~ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%				V2.99.8.8	%ws_ignore%
Season DayAvgMinValue   %season_l_Dayavgmin[id~ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%				V2.99.8.8	%ws_ignore% 
Season DayAvgMaxValue   %season_l_dayavgmax[id~ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy]%				V2.99.8.8	%ws_ignore%

List Days <=	%season_l_uldaysx[ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy~vvvvvN]%				V2.99.4  %ws_ignore%
List Days >=	%season_l_uhdaysx[ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy~vvvvvN]%				V2.99.4  %ws_ignore%
List Rain days	%season_l_raindaysx[ddmmyyyy~ddmmyyyy~vvvvv]%				V2.99.4  %ws_ignore%
----------------------- Store Variable in file and get it again  ---------------------------------------
		xxx = 1 ... 999
Remarks to var xxx	%varstore_writer[xxx~remark]%					V2.94.0	%ws_ignore%
Store in file   	%varstore_write[xxx~text]%					V2.94.0	%ws_ignore%
Read from file 	%varstore_read[xxx]%						V2.94.0	%ws_ignore%
Read from file 	%varstore_readc[xxx]%						V2.94.0	%ws_ignore%
Read remarks from file 	%varstore_readr[xxx]%						V2.95.4	%ws_ignore%

Remarks to var 9  	%varstore_writer[9~^season_min[0~21122007~20032008]^]%			V2.94.0	%ws_ignore%
Store season data   	%varstore_write[9~%season_min[0~21122007~20032008]%]%			V2.94.0	%ws_ignore%
Read stored	variable	%varstore_read[9]%						V2.94.0	%ws_ignore%

		If you would like at ..._writer[...  to store a variable, replace the percent		%ws_ignore%
		with "^" as well as the program makes this automatic for you.			%ws_ignore%			
		If you would like to read this variable  ..._readr[... again, Wswin replaces the "^"	%ws_ignore% 
		with a percent and at work off of this reread variable it set the data with it.		%ws_ignore%	
		You can use this for a dynamic updating.					%ws_ignore%
Examples: #########################################################################################################
Average x-day           %avgvalpast[0~-7~00~0000]%                                                          V2.85.1
Average x-day           %avgvalpast[2~00~-1~0000]%                                                          V2.85.1
Average x-day           %avgvalpast[2~00~00~-001]%                                                          V2.85.1
Average x-day           %avgvalpast[0~21~12~2004]%                                                          V2.85.1
Min-value x-day         %minvalpast[0~00~00~-001]%                                                          V2.85.1
Min-time x-day          %mintimepast[0~00~00~-001]%                                                         V2.85.1
Min-date x-day          %mindatepast[0~00~00~-001]%                                                         V2.85.1
Min-value x-day         %minvalpast[0~21~12~2004]%                                                          V2.85.1
Min-time x-day          %mintimepast[0~21~12~2004]%                                                         V2.85.1
Max-value x-day         %maxvalpast[0~21~12~2004]%                                                          V2.85.1
Max-time x-day          %maxtimepast[0~21~12~2004]%                                                         V2.85.1

Average x-month/year    %avgval_mpast[0~00~2004]%                                                           V2.85.2
Min-val x-month/year    %minval_mpast[2~00~-001]%                                                           V2.85.2
Min-time x-month/year   %mintime_mpast[33~00~-001]%                                                         V2.85.2
Min-date x-month/year   %mindate_mpast[id~00~-001]%                                                         V2.85.2
Max-val  x-month/year   %maxval_mpast[0~00~-001]%                                                           V2.85.2
Max-time x-month/year   %maxtime_mpast[0~00~-001]%                                                          V2.85.2
Max-date x-month/year   %maxdate_mpast[0~00~-001]%                                                          V2.85.2

AverageMinTemp. x-year  %avgmintemp_mpast[00~2004]%                                                         V2.85.2
AverageMaxTemp. x-year  %avgmaxtemp_mpast[00~-001]%                                                         V2.85.2
AberageMinTemp. x-month %avgmintemp_mpast[%ws_month2%~-001]%                                                V2.85.2
AberageMaxTemp. x-month %avgmaxtemp_mpast[01~-001]%                                                         V2.85.2

Max-Val  x-month        %maxval_mpast[37~%ws_month2%~-001]%                                                 V2.85.2

Avg.MinTemp. x-month/y. %avgmintemp_mpast[00~-001]%                                                         V2.85.2
Avg.MaxTemp. x-month/y. %avgmaxtemp_mpast[00~-001]%                                                         V2.85.2

Ice days x-month/year   %icedays_mpast[00~-001]%                                                            V2.85.2       
Cold days x-month/year  %colddays_mpast[00~-001]%                                                           V2.85.2       
Cool days  x-month/year %cooldays_mpast[00~-001]%                                                           V2.85.2         
Summerdays x-month/year %warmdays_mpast[00~-001]%                                                           V2.85.2      
Hot days   x-month/year %hotdays_mpast[00~-001]%                                                            V2.85.2       
Days <= x-month/year    %uldays_mpast[00~-001]%                                                             V2.85.2
Days >= x-month/year    %uhdays_mpast[00~-001]%                                                             V2.85.2
Days U3 x-Monat/Jahr    %u3days_mpast[00~-001]%                                                             V2.95.1
Days U4 x-Monat/Jahr    %u4days_mpast[00~-001]%                                                             V2.95.1

Soil frost days year    %frostgrowdays_mpast[00~-001]%                                                      V2.93.8        

Heatdegree days x-m/y   %heatdegreedays_mpast[00~-001]%                                                     V2.85.2
Cooldegree days x-m/y   %cooldegreedays_mpast[00~-001]%                                                     V2.85.2
Growdegree days x-m/y   %growdegreedays_mpast[00~-001]%                                                     V2.85.2
XHeatdegree days x-m/y  %xheatdegreedays_mpast[00~-001]%                                                    V2.85.2

Growing temperature     %growingtemp_mpast[00~-001]%                                                        V2.93.10
Growing temperat date   %growingtempdate_mpast[00~-001]%                                                    V2.93.10

Frost Sum               %icesum_mpast[00~-001]%                                                             V2.93.19 
Frost Sum current       %icesum_mpast[00~0000]%    						%ws_ignore%
Frost Sum current+1     %icesum_mpast[00~2012]%							%ws_ignore%
Frost Sum current	%icesum%								%ws_ignore%
Frost Sum current Jan   %icesum_mpast[01~0000]%						V2.96.9 	%ws_ignore% 
Frost Sum current Feb   %icesum_mpast[02~0000]%						V2.96.9 	%ws_ignore% 
Frost Sum current Mar   %icesum_mpast[03~0000]%						V2.96.9	%ws_ignore%  
Frost Sum Nov cur	%icesum_mpast[11~0000]%						V2.96.9	%ws_ignore% 
Frost Sum Dec cur	%icesum_mpast[12~0000]%						V2.96.9	%ws_ignore% 
Frost Sum Nov LY	%icesum_mpast[11~-001]%						V2.96.9	%ws_ignore% 
Frost Sum Dez LY	%icesum_mpast[12~-001]%						V2.96.9	%ws_ignore% 

Thermal Sum             %warmsum_mpast[00~-001]%                                                            V2.95.1

First cold day year     %firstcoldday_mpast[00~-001]%         Northern hemisphere = 2.semester              V2.85.7
First cold day/time y.  %firstcolddaytime_mpast[00~-001]%                                                   V2.85.7
Value  1. cold day year %firstcolddayval_mpast[00~-001]%                                                    V2.85.7

Last cold day year      %lastcoldday_mpast[00~-001]%          Northern hemisphere = 1.semester              V2.85.7
Last cold day/time y.   %lastcolddaytime_mpast[00~-001]%                                                    V2.85.7
Value last cold day-y   %lastcolddayval_mpast[00~-001]%                                                     V2.85.7

1. grow frost day year  %firstgrowfrostday_mpast[00~-001]%         Northern hemisphere = 2.semester         V2.93.11
1. grow frost daytime   %firstgrowfrostdaytime_mpast[00~-001]%                                              V2.93.11
1. grow frost value     %firstgrowfrostdayval_mpast[00~-001]%                                               V2.93.11

Last growfrostday year   %lastgrowfrostday_mpast[00~-001]%         Northern hemisphere = 1.semester         V2.93.11
L. growforstdaytime y    %lastgrowfrostdaytime_mpast[00~-001]%                                              V2.93.11
value last growfrost     %lastgrowfrostdayval_mpast[00~-001]%                                               V2.93.11

Wind number values      %wind_values_mpast[00~0000]%                                                        V2.85.2
Wind force  0Bft in %   %windbftproz_0_mpast[00~0000]%                                                      V2.85.2
Wind force  1Bft in %   %windbftproz_1_mpast[00~0000]%                                                      V2.85.2
Wind force  2Bft in %   %windbftproz_2_mpast[00~0000]%                                                      V2.85.2
Wind force  3Bft in %   %windbftproz_3_mpast[00~0000]%                                                      V2.85.2
Wind force  4Bft in %   %windbftproz_4_mpast[00~0000]%                                                      V2.85.2
Wind force  5Bft in %   %windbftproz_5_mpast[00~0000]%                                                      V2.85.2
Wind force  6Bft in %   %windbftproz_6_mpast[00~0000]%                                                      V2.85.2
Wind force  7Bft in %   %windbftproz_7_mpast[00~0000]%                                                      V2.85.2
Wind force  8Bft in %   %windbftproz_8_mpast[00~0000]%                                                      V2.85.2
Wind force  9Bft in %   %windbftproz_9_mpast[00~0000]%                                                      V2.85.2
Wind force 10Bft in %   %windbftproz_10_mpast[00~0000]%                                                     V2.85.2
Wind force 11Bft in %   %windbftproz_11_mpast[00~0000]%                                                     V2.85.2
Wind force>=12Bft in%   %windbftproz_12_mpast[00~0000]%                                                     V2.85.2

Wind force Gust (only valid for WM-918, WMR-9x8, VantagePro)
Gust number values      %windg_values_mpast[00~0000]%                                                       V2.85.2
Wind force  0Bft in %   %windgbftproz_0_mpast[00~0000]%                                                     V2.85.2
Wind force  1Bft in %   %windgbftproz_1_mpast[00~0000]%                                                     V2.85.2
Wind force  2Bft in %   %windgbftproz_2_mpast[00~0000]%                                                     V2.85.2
Wind force  3Bft in %   %windgbftproz_3_mpast[00~0000]%                                                     V2.85.2
Wind force  4Bft in %   %windgbftproz_4_mpast[00~0000]%                                                     V2.85.2
Wind force  5Bft in %   %windgbftproz_5_mpast[00~0000]%                                                     V2.85.2
Wind force  6Bft in %   %windgbftproz_6_mpast[00~0000]%                                                     V2.85.2
Wind force  7Bft in %   %windgbftproz_7_mpast[00~0000]%                                                     V2.85.2
Wind force  8Bft in %   %windgbftproz_8_mpast[00~0000]%                                                     V2.85.2
Wind force  9Bft in %   %windgbftproz_9_mpast[00~0000]%                                                     V2.85.2
Wind force 10Bft in %   %windgbftproz_10_mpast[00~0000]%                                                    V2.85.2
Wind force 11Bft in %   %windgbftproz_11_mpast[00~0000]%                                                    V2.85.2
Wind force>=12Bft in%   %windgbftproz_12_mpast[00~0000]%                                                    V2.85.2

Wind calm in %          %wind_calmproz_mpast[00~-001]%                                                      V2.85.3  
DistributionWD% N-NE    %winddirproz_NNE_mpast[00~-001]%                                                    V2.85.3
DistributionWD% NE      %winddirproz_NE_mpast[00~-001]%                                                     V2.85.3
DistributionWD% NE-E    %winddirproz_NEE_mpast[00~-001]%                                                    V2.85.3
DistributionWD% E       %winddirproz_E_mpast[00~-001]%                                                      V2.85.3
DistributionWD% E-SE    %winddirproz_ESE_mpast[00~-001]%                                                    V2.85.3
DistributionWD% SE      %winddirproz_SE_mpast[00~-001]%                                                     V2.85.3
DistributionWD% SE-S    %winddirproz_SES_mpast[00~-001]%                                                    V2.85.3
DistributionWD% S       %winddirproz_S_mpast[00~-001]%                                                      V2.85.3
DistributionWD% S-SW    %winddirproz_SSW_mpast[00~-001]%                                                    V2.85.3
DistributionWD% SW      %winddirproz_SW_mpast[00~-001]%                                                     V2.85.3
DistributionWD% SW-W    %winddirproz_SWW_mpast[00~-001]%                                                    V2.85.3
DistributionWD% W       %winddirproz_W_mpast[00~-001]%                                                      V2.85.3
DistributionWD% W-NW    %winddirproz_WNW_mpast[00~-001]%                                                    V2.85.3
DistributionWD% NW      %winddirproz_NW_mpast[00~-001]%                                                     V2.85.3
DistributionWD% NW-N    %winddirproz_NWN_mpast[00~-001]%                                                    V2.85.3
DistributionWD% N       %winddirproz_N_mpast[00~-001]%                                                      V2.85.3

Dom. wind direction     %domwind_txt_mpast[00~-001]%                                                        V2.85.3
Dom. wind direc. gust   %domwindg_txt_mpast[00~-001]%                                                       V2.85.3

Rain Year              *%rain_mpast[00~0000]%                                                               V2.98.0 mod
Rain Month             *%rain_mpast[%ws_month2%~0000]%

Rain days month/year    %raindays_mpast[00~0000]%                                                           V2.85.2
RegenTage 2 mm m/y      %rain2days_mpast[00~0000]%                                                          V2.85.2
RegenTage 5 mm m/y      %rain5days_mpast[00~0000]%                                                          V2.85.2
RegenTage 10mm m/y      %rain10days_mpast[00~0000]%                                                         V2.85.2
RegenTage 20mm h/y      %rain20days_mpast[00~0000]%                                                         V2.85.2

Windrun x-month/year    %windrun_mpast[00~0000]%                                                            V2.85.2

Evapotransp. x-m./y.   *%ws_evapotrans_mpast[00~0000]%                                                      V2.98.0 mod
ET VantagePro x-m./y.  *%ws_evapotransvt_mpast[00~0000]%                                                    V2.98.0 mod

Timesensor x-month/year %t_sens_mpast[00~0000]%                                                             V2.85.2
Sun time   x-month/year %sun_mpast[00~0000]%                                                                V2.85.2
Sun time   x-month/year %sun_d_mpast[00~0000]%                                                              V2.91.5

-----------------------Temperature / Humidity ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Special feature of these variable: Purchase-sensor is here always the sensor
which was chosen also for dew point

Outdoor sensor state    %ws_colorstate_sens[0]%
Outdoor sensor state    %ws_state_sens[0]%
Number with Cur-flag    %ws_stateakt_sens[0]%                                                               V2.84.4
Value current           %ws_akt_sens[0]%                                                                    V2.84.4         
Receiving quality       %ws_calc1[*]=%ws_calc[/]=%ws_stateakt_sens[0]%~%ws_stateakt_sens[00]%~4%~100~2% %   V2.84.4

Sensor install date     %sensorinstalled[0]%  

Outside temp.          *%curval[0]%                                                 V2.84.4
Average value os-temp  *%avgval[0]%               at month_only too                 V2.84.4

Min-value outside temp *%minval[0]%                                                 V2.84.4
Min-value outside temp  %mintime[0]%                                                V2.84.4
Min-day/month outs-t.   %mindaymonth[0]%                                            V2.84.4

Max-value outside temp *%maxval[0]%                                                 V2.84.4 
Max-value outside temp  %maxtime[0]%                                                V2.84.4 
Max-day/month outs-t.   %maxdaymonth[0]%                                            V2.84.4 

with reference to day (not 24 hours)                                     
Max-Outside temp day   *%maxtempday%
Time Max-Outsidetemp d  %maxtempdaytime%
Min-Outside temp day   *%mintempday%
Time Min-Outsidetemp d  %mintempdaytime%
Max-Outside temp day    %curminmaxhour[2,0,0]% 
Time Max-Outsidetemp d  %maxtimecurday[0]%     
Min-Outside temp day    %curminmaxhour[1,0,0]%  
Time Min-Outsidetemp d  %mintimecurday[0]%

Dew point extra	%ws_dewpoint[temp~hum]%				V2.94.0
Dew point extra	%ws_dewpoint[16,0~60]%				V2.94.0
Windchill extra	%ws_windchill[temp~wind]%			V2.94.0
Windchill extra	%ws_windchill[5,0~36,8]%			V2.94.0

ApparentTemp           *%apparenttemp%				V2.96.1	
Heat Index  Outdoor    *%heatindextemp%
Virtual Temperature    *%virtualtemp%
Wet bulb               *%wetbulbtemp%
SummerSimmerIndex      *%ws_ssi%
Humidex current        *%humidex%					V2.99.8.9

ApparentTemp 	%ws_apparenttemp[temp~hum~wind]%			V2.99.0	%ws_ignore%
Heat Index  Outdoor     %ws_heatindextemp[temp~hum]%                          	V2.99.0	%ws_ignore%
Virtual Temperature     %ws_virtualtemp[temp~dewpoint~baro]%                        V2.99.0	%ws_ignore%
Wet bulb                %ws_wetbulbtemp[temp~hum~baro]%                            	V2.99.0	%ws_ignore%
SummerSimmerIndex       %ws_ssix[temp~hum]%                                 	V2.99.0	%ws_ignore%
Humidex		%ws_humidex[temp~hum]%                                 	V2.99.8.9	%ws_ignore%

ApparentTemperature     %ws_apparenttemp[%curval[0]%~%curval[-1]%~%curval[35]%]%	V2.99.0	%ws_ignore%
Heat Index              %ws_heatindextemp[%curval[0]%~%curval[-1]%]%                V2.99.0	%ws_ignore%
Virtual Temperature     %ws_virtualtemp[%curval[0]%~%curval[43]%~%curval[33]%]%     V2.99.0	%ws_ignore%
Wet bulb		%ws_wetbulbtemp[%curval[0]%~%curval[-1]%~%curval[33]%]%     V2.99.0	%ws_ignore%
SummerSimmerIndex       %ws_ssix[%curval[0]%~%curval[-1]%]%                         V2.99.0	%ws_ignore%
Humidex		%ws_humidex[%curval[0]%~%curval[-1]%]%                      V2.99.8.9	

Outside - humidity      %curval[-1]%                                                 V2.84.5
Average value os-hum    %avgval[-1]%            at month_only too                    V2.84.5
Min-value outside hum.  %minval[-1]%                                                 V2.84.5
Min-value outside hum.  %mintime[-1]%                                                V2.84.5
Max-value outside hum.  %maxval[-1]%                                                 V2.84.5
Max-value outside hum.  %maxtime[-1]%                                                V2.84.5
Absolute  outside hum.  %abshumout%

Grow sensorID -5cm      %ws_growsensor-5cm_id%                                       V2.84.10
Grow sensorID           %ws_growsensor_id%                                           V2.84.10

Grow temp 14 o'clock     %growtemp14%                                                V2.85.7 
Humidity 14 o'clock      %relhum14%                                                  V2.85.7 
Hours humidity >=90%     %hum90hour%                                                 V2.85.7 

Grow temp 14 o'clock     %growtemp14[dd~mm~yyyy]%                                    V2.85.7    %ws_ignore% 
Humidity 14 o'clock      %relhum14[dd~mm~yyyy]%                                      V2.85.7    %ws_ignore% 
Hours humidity >=90%     %hum90hour[dd~mm~yyyy]%                                     V2.85.7    %ws_ignore% 

Grow temp 14 o'clock     %growtemp14[-1~00~0000]%                                    V2.85.7 
Humidity 14 o'clock      %relhum14[-1~00~0000]%                                      V2.85.7 
Hours humidity >=90%     %hum90hour[-1~00~0000]%                                     V2.85.7 

Temperature change          
of the last 60 minutes   %tempchange[0]=60%                                         V2.84.4                              
of the last 30 minutes   %tempchange[0]=30%                                         V2.84.4
of the last  5 minutes   %tempchange[0]=5%                                          V2.84.4

Temp change last hour    %curminmaxhour[4,1,0]%                                     V2.84.4
Temp change last 3 hours %curminmaxhour[4,3,0]%                                     V2.84.4
Temp change last 24hours %curminmaxhour[4,24,0]%                                    V2.84.4

needs 24 hour view:
Temp at 0:00             %curminmaxhour[0,0,0]%
Temp before 1 hour       %curminmaxhour[0,1,0]%
Temp before 2 hours      %curminmaxhour[0,2,0]%
Temp before 3 hours      %curminmaxhour[0,3,0]%
Temp before 4 hours      %curminmaxhour[0,4,0]%
Temp before 5 hours      %curminmaxhour[0,5,0]%
Temp before 6 hours      %curminmaxhour[0,6,0]%
Temp before 7 hours      %curminmaxhour[0,7,0]%
Temp before 8 hours      %curminmaxhour[0,8,0]%
Temp before 9 hours      %curminmaxhour[0,9,0]%
Temp before 10 hours     %curminmaxhour[0,10,0]%
Temp before 11 hours     %curminmaxhour[0,11,0]%
Temp before 12 hours     %curminmaxhour[0,12,0]%
Temp before 13 hours     %curminmaxhour[0,13,0]%
Temp before 14 hours     %curminmaxhour[0,14,0]%
Temp before 15 hours     %curminmaxhour[0,15,0]%
Temp before 16 hours     %curminmaxhour[0,16,0]%
Temp before 17 hours     %curminmaxhour[0,17,0]%
Temp before 18 hours     %curminmaxhour[0,18,0]%
Temp before 19 hours     %curminmaxhour[0,19,0]%
Temp before 20 hours     %curminmaxhour[0,20,0]%
Temp before 21 hours     %curminmaxhour[0,21,0]%
Temp before 22 hours     %curminmaxhour[0,22,0]%
Temp before 23 hours     %curminmaxhour[0,23,0]%
Temp before 24 hours     %curminmaxhour[0,24,0]%

needs 24 hour view:
Temp at 00:00           %curminmaxhour[5,0,0]%                                      V2.85.8
Temp at 01:00           %curminmaxhour[5,1,0]%
Temp at 02:00           %curminmaxhour[5,2,0]%
Temp at 03:00           %curminmaxhour[5,3,0]%
Temp at 04:00           %curminmaxhour[5,4,0]%
Temp at 05:00           %curminmaxhour[5,5,0]%
Temp at 06:00           %curminmaxhour[5,6,0]%
Temp at 07:00           %curminmaxhour[5,7,0]%
Temp at 08:00           %curminmaxhour[5,8,0]%
Temp at 09:00           %curminmaxhour[5,9,0]%
Temp at 10:00           %curminmaxhour[5,10,0]%
Temp at 11:00           %curminmaxhour[5,11,0]%
Temp at 12:00           %curminmaxhour[5,12,0]%
Temp at 13:00           %curminmaxhour[5,13,0]%
Temp at 14:00           %curminmaxhour[5,14,0]%
Temp at 15:00           %curminmaxhour[5,15,0]%
Temp at 16:00           %curminmaxhour[5,16,0]%
Temp at 17:00           %curminmaxhour[5,17,0]%
Temp at 18:00           %curminmaxhour[5,18,0]%
Temp at 19:00           %curminmaxhour[5,19,0]%
Temp at 20:00           %curminmaxhour[5,20,0]%
Temp at 21:00           %curminmaxhour[5,21,0]%
Temp at 22:00           %curminmaxhour[5,22,0]%
Temp at 23:00           %curminmaxhour[5,23,0]%
Temp at 24:00           %curminmaxhour[5,24,0]%

StandardTempDerivation  %ws_STDV%                                                   with reference to month/month 
StandardTempDeriv month %ws_STDVmonth%                                              with reference to month/month 
NormalTemperature       %ws_normaltemp%         at month_only too
Average Temp Month      %ws_avgtempmonth%                                                                  
Average Temp Month x    %ws_avgtempmonth[%ws_month%]%    %ws_month%=x=0..12, 0=year, 1..12=month                               
Average Temp Month 01   %ws_avgtempmonth[1]%
Average Temp Month 06   %ws_avgtempmonth[6]%

Std.TempDerivation year %ws_STDV_year%                                              with reference to current view/year
Std.TempDerivation year %ws_STDVyear%                                               with reference to year/year 
Std.TempDerivation y/m  %ws_STDV_year[mm~yyyy]%    covered on year / month	V2.97.0    	%ws_ignore%
Std.TempDerivation y/m  %ws_STDV_year[00~-001]%    covered on year / month	V2.97.0	%ws_ignore%
Std.TempDerivation y/m  %ws_STDV_year[01~-001]%    covered on year / month	V2.97.0	%ws_ignore%
Std.TempDerivation M    %ws_STDV_yearmonth[mm~yyyy]%  covered until current month	V2.97.13	%ws_ignore%
Std.TempDerivation M    %ws_STDV_yearmonth[%ws_month2%~0000]%

Normal temp year        %ws_normaltempyear%
Average temp year       %ws_avgtempyear%                                                                   
Average temp year       %ws_avgtempmonth[0]%                                                               

Mean MinTemper.         %ws_avgmintemp%         only at Week,Month,Year   
Mean MaxTemper.         %ws_avgmaxtemp%         only at Week,Month,Year   

Average MinTemp year   %ws_avgmintempyear%                
Average MaxTemp yaear  %ws_avgmaxtempyear%                
Average MinTemp month  %ws_avgmintempmonth%     at month_only too
Average MaxTemp mont   %ws_avgmaxtempmonth%     at month_only too

Variables only valid for week,month,year:
Min-value day os temp  *%minvalday[0]%          at month_only too - use only in template        V2.84.4
Min-time  day os temp   %mintimeday[0]%         at month_only too - use only in template        V2.84.4
Min-day   day os temp   %mindayday[0]%          at month_only too                               V2.84.4
Min-day day os tempsh.  %mindaydays[0]%         at month_only too                               V2.84.4

Max-value day os temp  *%maxvalday[0]%          at month_only too - use only in template        V2.84.4
Max-time  day os demp   %maxtimeday[0]%         at month_only too - use only in template        V2.84.4
Max-day   day os temp   %maxdayday[0]%          at month_only too                               V2.84.4
Max-day day os-tempsh.  %maxdaydays[0]%         at month_only too                               V2.84.4

Min-value day os hum    %minvalday[-1]%         at month_only too - use only in template        V2.84.5
Min-time  day os hum    %maxtimeday[-1]%        at month_only too - use only in template        V2.84.5
Min-day   day os hum    %maxdayday[-1]%         at month_only too                               V2.84.5
Max-value day os hum    %maxvalday[-1]%         at month_only too - use only in template        V2.84.5
Max-time  day os hum    %maxtimeday[-1]%        at month_only too - use only in template        V2.84.5
Min-day   day os hum    %maxdayday[-1]%         at month_only too                               V2.84.5

Icedays month           %ws_icedays_m%          at month_only too       
Icedays monsth l.year   %ws_ly_icedays_m%        
Colddays month          %ws_colddays_m%         at month_only too       
Colddays month last y.  %ws_ly_colddays_m%      
Cooldays month          %ws_cooldays_m%         at month_only too        
Cooldays month last y.  %ws_ly_cooldays_m%      
Warmdays month          %ws_warmdays_m%         at month_only too       
Warmdays month last y.  %ws_ly_warmdays_m%      
Hotdays month           %ws_hotdays_m%          at month_only too       
Hotdays month last y.   %ws_ly_hotdays_m%       

Icedays year            %ws_icedays_y%          
Icedays last year       %ws_ly_icedays_y%       
Colddays year           %ws_colddays_y%         
Colddays last year      %ws_ly_colddays_y%                                 
Cooldays year           %ws_cooldays_y%               
Cooldays last year      %ws_ly_cooldays_y%      
Warmdays year           %ws_warmdays_y%         
Warmdays last year      %ws_ly_warmdays_y%      
Hot days year           %ws_hotdays_y%          
Hot days last year      %ws_ly_hotdays_y%       

Tropic night days cur   %ws_tropndays_y%					V2.94.0
Tropic night days l y   %ws_ly_tropndays_y%					V2.94.0

First cold day year     %firstcoldday%        Northern hemisphere = 2.semester                  V2.85.0.3
First cold day/time y.  %firstcolddaytime%                                                      V2.85.0.3
Value  1. cold day year %firstcolddayval%                                                       V2.85.0.3

Last cold day year      %lastcoldday%         Northern hemisphere = 1.semester                  V2.85.2
Last cold day/time y.   %lastcolddaytime%                                                       V2.85.2
Value last cold day-y   %lastcolddayval%                                                        V2.85.2

1.grow frost day year   %firstgrowfrostday%         Northern hemisphere = 2.semester            V2.93.11
1.grow frost daytime y  %firstgrowfrostdaytime%                                                 V2.93.11
Value grow frostday y   %firstgrowfrostdayval%                                                  V2.93.11

L. grow frost day year   %lastgrowfrostday%         Northern hemisphere = 1.semester            V2.93.11
L. grow frost daytime y  %lastgrowfrostdaytime%                                                 V2.93.11
Value l. growfrostday y  %lastgrowfrostdayval%                                                  V2.93.11

Begin last frost day    %ws_lasticedaystart%                                                    V2.85.3             
Begin l. frost day:time %ws_lasticedaystartt%                                                   V2.85.3a
Begin l. frost day:date %ws_lasticedaystartd%                                                   V2.85.3a
End last frost day      %ws_lasticeday%                                                         V2.85.2             
End last frost day:time %ws_lasticedayt%                                                        V2.85.2
End l. frost day:date   %ws_lasticedayd%                                                        V2.85.2

Duration frost time     %ws_iceday_duration%                                                    V2.85.2
Dur frost time (short)  %ws_iceday_durations%                                                   V2.85.2
Duration frost time    #%ws_iceday_duration[1]%                                                 V2.92.6	%ws_ignore%
Dur frost time (short) #%ws_iceday_durations[1]%                                                V2.92.6	%ws_ignore%

User defined limit value <= xxx                                                     
Limit Value<=           %ws_uldaysvalue%
Text <=                 %ws_uldaystext%         
Days month <=           %ws_uldays_m%           at month_only too            
Days year <=            %ws_uldays_y%
UserLow month last year %ws_ly_uldays_m%        at month_only too                  
UserLow last year       %ws_ly_uldays_y%                                                 

User defined limit value >= xxx                                                     
Grenz-Wert >=           %ws_uhdaysvalue%
Text >=                 %ws_uhdaystext%
Days month >=           %ws_uhdays_m%           at month_only too
Days year >=            %ws_uhdays_y%
Userhigh month lastyear %ws_ly_uhdays_m%        at month_only too                             
Userhigh last year      %ws_ly_uhdays_y%                                                 

User defined limit value 3			           			V2.95.1 
Limit Value U3          %ws_u3daysvalue%
Text U3                 %ws_u3daystext%
Days month U3           %ws_u3days_m%           at month_only too
Days year U3            %ws_u3days_y%

User defined limit value 4			           			V2.95.1 
Limit Value U4          %ws_u4daysvalue%
Text U4                 %ws_u4daystext%
Days month U4           %ws_u4days_m%           at month_only too
Days year U4            %ws_u4days_y%

User defined limit value 5			           			V2.96.8 
Limit Value U5          %ws_u5daysvalue%
Text U5                 %ws_u5daystext%
Days month U5           %ws_u5days_m%           at month_only too
Days year U5            %ws_u5days_y%

Mod SolarSensor         %ws_msolars%            
Mod SolarSensor Prozent %ws_msolarsproz%        

Heatdegreedays Basic    %heatdegreedaysbase%                                        
Heatdegreedays Month    %heatdegreedaysmonth%   at month_only too                   
Heatdegreedays Year     %heatdegreedaysyear%                                        
Heatdegreedays Day      %heatdegreedaysday%                                         

Cooldegreedays Basic    %cooldegreedaysbase%                                        
Cooldegreedays Monat    %cooldegreedaysmonth%   at month_only too                   
Cooldegreedays Jahr     %cooldegreedaysyear%                                                    
Cooldegreedays Day      %cooldegreedaysday%                                                     

Growingdegreedays Basic %growdegreedaysbase%                                        
Growingdegreedays Month %growdegreedaysmonth%   at month_only too                   
Growingdegreedays Year  %growdegreedaysyear%                                        
Growingdegreedays Day   %growdegreedaysday%                                         

X-Heatdegreedays Basic  %xheatdegreedaysbase%                                       
X-Heatdegreedays Month  %xheatdegreedaysmonth%   at month_only too                  
X-Heatdegreedays Year   %xheatdegreedaysyear%                                       
X-Heatdegreedays Day    %xheatdegreedaysday%                                        

Growing temperature     %growingtemp%	without current day		V2.97.0 mod
Growing temperat date   %growingtempdate%	without current day		V2.97.0 mod
Growing temp until May  %growingtempx%	without current day		V2.99.8.9

Ice Sum                 %icesum%                                                   V2.93.19
Thermal Sum             %warmsum%                                                  V2.95.1
Value Thermal Sum       %warmsumvalue%			           V2.95.1

Thermal stress (no val) %thermicstress_nv%    
Thermal stress (no val)#%thermicstress_nv[0]%                                      V2.91.4    %ws_ignore%   
Thermal stress only val %thermicstress_value% 
Thermal stress index    %thermicstress%
Grafik Thermal stress   %thermicstressgif%

----------------------- Barometer ---------------------------------------------
Baro Sensor                %ws_colorstate_sens[33]%
Baro Sensor                %ws_state_sens[33]%

Current Barometer         *%curval[33]%            

Barometric tendency 1h     %ws_baro1h%          
Barometric tendency 2h     %ws_baro2h%          
Barometric tendency 3h     %ws_baro3h%          
Barometric tendency 6h     %ws_baro6h%
Barometric tendency 12h    %ws_baro12h%        
Barometric tendency 24h    %ws_baro24h%         

Site air pressure         *%baro_station%                  

Min baro last 12h          %curminmaxhour[1,12,33]%
Max baro last 12h          %curminmaxhour[2,12,33]%
Baro before 12h            %curminmaxhour[0,12,33]%
Baro avg last 12h          %curminmaxhour[3,12,33]%
Baro diff last 12h         %curminmaxhour[4,12,33]%
Baro diff last 24h         %curminmaxhour[4,24,33]%

with reference to day (not 24 hours)                        
Max air pressure day      %maxbaroday%
Time Max air pressure day %maxbarodaytime%
Min air pressure day      %minbaroday%
Time Min air pressure day %minbarodaytime%

Min time current day      %mintimecurday[33]%                                         V2.82.4
Max time current day      %maxtimecurday[33]%                                         V2.82.4

only at day and 24h view relevant:
max. Baro changes 1h       %ws_maxbaro1h%     
max. baro changes 24h      %ws_maxbaro24h%    

Barometric tendency6h icon %ws_baro_icon%
Barometric tendency3h icon %ws_baro3h_icon%     

Barometric tendency text   %ws_barotendencytxt% 
Barometric tendency text  #%ws_barotendencytxt[0]%                                     V2.91.4    %ws_ignore%

current vapor pressure     %vaporpressurcur%   
max. vapor pressure        %vaporpressurmax%   

current mix ratio          %mixratiocur%       
max mix ratio              %mixratiomax%       

air density                %airdensity%                                                V2.83.4

----------------------- Wind --------------------------------------------------
Wind sensor state       %ws_colorstate_sens[35]%
Wind sensor state       %ws_state_sens[35]%

Winddirection graphic   %windd_gra%					mod V2.96.5 
Windd.graph w. range    %winddrange_gra%                                            V2.83.2 - mod V2.96.5

Winddir graphic 10°     %windd10_gra%           -> wind_00.gif, wind_01.gif ... wind_36.gif
Winddir graphic 22.5°   %windd22_gra%           -> wind00.gif, wind01.gif ... wind16.gif 00=N,01=NNE 

Dom. Wind direction     %domwind_txt%           Dominating wind direction in the selected View 
Dom. Wind direction    #%domwind_txt[0]%                                            V2.91.4    %ws_ignore%
Wind dir text           %wind_txt%              at month_only too
Windd.text wo 22.5°     %wind_txtonly%          at month_only too                    (only ELV/La Crosse)
Windd.text wo 22.5°    #%wind_txtonly[0]%                                           V2.91.4    %ws_ignore%

Wind range              %wind_range%            0=0°, 1=22.5°, 2=45°, 3=67.5°       V2.83.0 
Wind dir text long      %wind_txtlong%                                                 
Wind dir text long     #%wind_txtlong[0]%       at month_only too                   V2.91.4    %ws_ignore%                                                   

WindMaxText             %windmax_txt%           (Direction at max. Wind)
WindMaxText            #%windmax_txt[0]%                                            V2.91.4    %ws_ignore%

create direction text   %makewind_txt[v]%       v = 0..360                          V2.85.8
                        %makewind_txt[6 °]%
		%makewind_txtlong[v]%				V2.96.1

only VantagePro (Weatherlink) Gust
Winddirection graphic   %windgd_gra%				mod V2.96.5
Winddir grapch 22,5°    %windgd22_gra%           -> wind00.gif, wind01.gif ... wind16.gif 00=N,01=NNE 
Dom. Winddirection      %domwindg_txt%           Dominating gust wind direction in the selected View  
Dom. Winddirection     #%domwindg_txt[0]%                                           V2.91.4    %ws_ignore%
Winddirection Gust      %windg_value%
Winddirection text      %windg_txt%              at month_only too
Winddirection text     #%windg_txt[0]%           at month only too                  V2.91.4    %ws_ignore%
Winddirection text long %windg_txtlong%          at month_only too                                                   
Winddirection text long#%windg_txtlong[0]%       at month only too                  V2.91.4    %ws_ignore%                                                   
Dom. Winddirection	%curminmaxhour[3,1,36]%				V2.94.0

only WMx9x8 and VantagePro:
WindGustMaxText         %windgmax_txt%          (Direction at max. Windgust)
WindGustMaxText        #%windgmax_txt[0]%       (Direction at max Windgust)         V2.91.4    %ws_ignore%

MaxWind last  12h       %curminmaxhour[2,12,35]%
MaxWind last   6h       %curminmaxhour[2,6,35]%
MaxWind last   3h       %curminmaxhour[2,3,35]%
MaxWind last   1h       %curminmaxhour[2,1,35]%
Wind before 12h         %curminmaxhour[0,12,35]%
Wind before 1h          %curminmaxhour[0,1,35]%
Wind avg last 1h        %curminmaxhour[3,1,35]%

with reference to day (not 24 hours)                       
Max wind day            %maxgustday%
Time Max wind day       %maxgustdaytime%

Max wind current day    %curminmaxhour[2,0,35]%                                     V2.82.4
Time max wind cur day   %maxtimecurday[35]%
Wind average cur day    %curminmaxhour[3,0,35]%                                     V2.82.4
Wind at 0 hour          %curminmaxhour[0,0,35]%                                     V2.82.4

Average value wind     *%avgval[35]%

Wind force             *%curval[35]%            
Wind direction          %curval[36]%

10min avg wind dir      %avg10minwinddir%
10min avg wind dir txt  %avg10minwinddir_txt%

10min avg. Wind        *%avg10minwind%				V2.94.4 mod
10min avg wind kts      %avg10minwindkts%                                           V2.83.0                                   

10min avg Gust         *%avg10minwindg%                                             V2.94.4 mod
10min avg Gust in kts   %avg10minwindgkts%                                          V2.83.0                                   

1min avg. Wind         *%avg1minwind%                                               V2.94.4 mod 
2min avg. Wind         *%avg2minwind%                                               V2.94.4 mod 

Curr wind in knots      %nrtwindkts%                                                V2.91.1
Curr gust in knots      %nrtwindgkts%                                               V2.91.1

Curr Wind in BFT        %windbft%
Curr Gust in BFT        %windgbft%
Curr Wind in Knots      %windkts%                                                   V2.83.0
Curr Gust in Knots      %windgkts%                                                  V2.83.0

Current wind in m/s     %windms%                                                    V2.85.7
Current gust in m/s     %windgms%                                                   V2.85.7

with reference to day (not 24 hours)    
Max wind in m/s         %windmaxms%                                                 V2.85.7
Max gust in m/s         %windgmaxms%                                                V2.85.7
Max wind in knots       %windmaxkts%                                                V2.85.8
Max gust in knots       %windgmaxkts%                                               V2.85.8

Text wind force         %textwindbft%                                               V2.83.0
Text gust wind force    %textwindgbft%                                              V2.83.0
Text wind force        #%textwindbft[0]%                                            V2.91.4    %ws_ignore%
Text gust wind force   #%textwindgbft[0]%                                           V2.91.4    %ws_ignore%

MinValue Wind in Bft    %minwindbft%            at month_only too 
MaxValue Wind in Bft    %maxwindbft%            at month_only too
Average Value Wind Bft  %avgwindbft%            at month_only too 

MinValue Gust in Bft    %minwindgbft%           at month_only too 
MaxValue Gust in Bft    %maxwindgbft%           at month_only too 
Average Value Gust Bft  %avgwindgbft%           at month_only too  
Sensor availabel+Html   %ws_available[45]=Yes~No%

Wind run view           %windrun_cur%            
Wind run month          %windrun_month%         at month_only too
Wind run year           %windrun_year%           

Wind calm values        %wind_calm%              
Wind calm in %          %wind_calmproz%          
DistributionWD% Values  %winddirproz_value%
DistributionWD% N-NE    %winddirproz_NNE%	 at month_only too and year template	V2.97.13 mod
DistributionWD% NE      %winddirproz_NE%	 at month_only too and year template	V2.97.13 mod
DistributionWD% NE-E    %winddirproz_NEE%	 at month_only too and year template	V2.97.13 mod
DistributionWD% E       %winddirproz_E%	 at month_only too and year template	V2.97.13 mod
DistributionWD% E-SE    %winddirproz_ESE%	 at month_only too and year template	V2.97.13 mod
DistributionWD% SE      %winddirproz_SE%	 at month_only too and year template	V2.97.13 mod
DistributionWD% SE-S    %winddirproz_SES%	 at month_only too and year template	V2.97.13 mod
DistributionWD% S       %winddirproz_S%	 at month_only too and year template	V2.97.13 mod
DistributionWD% S-SW    %winddirproz_SSW%	 at month_only too and year template	V2.97.13 mod
DistributionWD% SW      %winddirproz_SW%	 at month_only too and year template	V2.97.13 mod
DistributionWD% SW-W    %winddirproz_SWW%	 at month_only too and year template	V2.97.13 mod
DistributionWD% W       %winddirproz_W%	 at month_only too and year template	V2.97.13 mod
DistributionWD% W-NW    %winddirproz_WNW%	 at month_only too and year template	V2.97.13 mod
DistributionWD% NW      %winddirproz_NW%	 at month_only too and year template	V2.97.13 mod
DistributionWD% NW-N    %winddirproz_NWN%	 at month_only too and year template	V2.97.13 mod
DistributionWD% N       %winddirproz_N%	 at month_only too and year template	V2.97.13 mod

only VantagePro
Wind calm values         %windg_calm%                   
Wind calm in %           %windg_calmproz%               
DistributiomWR% Werte    %windgdirproz_value%                                          
DistributiomWR% N-NO     %windgdirproz_NNE%
DistributiomWR% NO       %windgdirproz_NE%
DistributiomWR% NO-O     %windgdirproz_NEE%
DistributiomWR% O        %windgdirproz_E%
DistributiomWR% O-SO     %windgdirproz_ESE%
DistributiomWR% SO       %windgdirproz_SE%
DistributiomWR% SO-S     %windgdirproz_SES%
DistributiomWR% S        %windgdirproz_S%
DistributiomWR% S-SW     %windgdirproz_SSW%
DistributiomWR% SW       %windgdirproz_SW%
DistributiomWR% SW-W     %windgdirproz_SWW%
DistributiomWR% W        %windgdirproz_W%
DistributiomWR% W-NW     %windgdirproz_WNW%
DistributiomWR% NW       %windgdirproz_NW%
DistributiomWR% NW-N     %windgdirproz_NWN%
DistributiomWR% N        %windgdirproz_N%

Wind number values      %wind_values%                                                   
Wind force  0Bft in %   %windbftproz_0%                                          
Wind force  1Bft in %   %windbftproz_1%
Wind force  2Bft in %   %windbftproz_2%
Wind force  3Bft in %   %windbftproz_3%
Wind force  4Bft in %   %windbftproz_4%
Wind force  5Bft in %   %windbftproz_5%
Wind force  6Bft in %   %windbftproz_6%
Wind force  7Bft in %   %windbftproz_7%
Wind force  8Bft in %   %windbftproz_8%
Wind force  9Bft in %   %windbftproz_9%
Wind force 10Bft in %   %windbftproz_10%
Wind force 11Bft in %   %windbftproz_11%
Wind force>=12Bft in%   %windbftproz_12%

Wind force Gust (only valid for WM-918, WMR-9x8, VantagePro)
Gust number values      %windg_values%                                                      
Wind force  0Bft in %   %windgbftproz_0%                                          
Wind force  1Bft in %   %windgbftproz_1%
Wind force  2Bft in %   %windgbftproz_2%
Wind force  3Bft in %   %windgbftproz_3%
Wind force  4Bft in %   %windgbftproz_4%
Wind force  5Bft in %   %windgbftproz_5%
Wind force  6Bft in %   %windgbftproz_6%
Wind force  7Bft in %   %windgbftproz_7%
Wind force  8Bft in %   %windgbftproz_8%
Wind force  9Bft in %   %windgbftproz_9%
Wind force 10Bft in %   %windgbftproz_10%
Wind force 11Bft in %   %windgbftproz_11%
Wind force>=12Bft in%   %windgbftproz_12%

State of sea (text)     %seaforce% 
State of sea (text)    #%seaforce[0]%                                               V2.91.4    %ws_ignore%

Sea graphic             %sea_gif% 

----------------------- Rain ---------------------------------------------
Rain sensor             %ws_colorstate_sens[34]%
Rain sensor state       %ws_state_sens[34]%
Rain resolution	%ws_rainresolution%				 V2.99.5

Current rain           *%curval[34]%
Rain rate /hour        *%rainrate%                                                  V2.98.0 mod

it's raining            %raining%					V2.93.8

Rain 1h                *%rain1h% 					V2.98.0 mod
Rain 24h               *%rain24h% 					V2.98.0 mod 
Rain day               *%rainday% 					V2.98.0 mod                                   
Rain week              *%rainweek% 
Rain month             *%rainmonth%             at month_only too 		V2.98.0 mod
Rain year              *%rainyear% 					V2.98.0 mod 
Rain days               %raindays%
Rain days year          %raindaysmonth[0]%      look below too ...                    
Rain days last year     %raindaysmonthly[0]%    look below too ...                    

Rain last hour          %curminmaxhour[4,1,34]%
Rain last 3 hours       %curminmaxhour[4,3,34]%

Rain yesterday         *%avgvalpast[34~-1~00~0000]%

RainLastMonth           %rainlastmonth%
RainMonthLastYear       %rainlastmonthyear%     (Rain last year same month)
RainLastYear            %rainlastyear%

Rain days >0mm month    %rain0month%            at month_only too                   
Rain days >2mm month    %rain2month%            at month_only too                   
Rain days  >5mm month   %rain5month%            at month_only too                 
Rain days >10mm month   %rain10month%           at month_only too                 
Rain days >20mm month   %rain20month%           at month_only too                   

Rain days >0mm year     %rain0year%                                                 
Rain days >2mm year     %rain2year%                                                 
Rain days >5mm year     %rain5year%                                                 
Rain days >10mm year    %rain10year%                                                
Rain days >20mm year    %rain20year%                                                

Rain days year/month    %raindaysmonth[%ws_month%]%       %ws_month%=x=0..12, 0=year, 1..12=month  
Rain days 2 mm y/month  %rain2daysmonth[%ws_month%]%      %ws_month%=x=0..12, 0=year, 1..12=month  
Rain days 5 mm y/month  %rain5daysmonth[%ws_month%]%      %ws_month%=x=0..12, 0=year, 1..12=month  
Rain days 10mm y/month  %rain10daysmonth[%ws_month%]%     %ws_month%=x=0..12, 0=year, 1..12=month  
Rain days 20mm y/month  %rain20daysmonth[%ws_month%]%     %ws_month%=x=0..12, 0=year, 1..12=month  

Rain days last year/mon %raindaysmonthly[%ws_month%]%     %ws_month%=x=0..12, 0=year, 1..12=month       

StandardRainDerivation  %ws_RainSTDV%           at month_only too
Normal Rain             %ws_normalrain%         at month_only too
Std.RainDerivation year %ws_rainSTDV_year%
Std.RainDerivation y/m	%ws_rainstdv_year[mm~yyyy]%		V2.97.0    	%ws_ignore%
Std.RainDerivation y/m	%ws_rainstdv_year[00~-001]%		V2.97.0	%ws_ignore%
Normal Rain year        %ws_normalrainyear%
StandardRainDerivation  %ws_RainSTDV_proz%      at month_only too                   
Std.RainDerivation year %ws_rainSTDV_year_proz%                                     
Std.RainDerivation y/m  %ws_rainSTDV_year_proz[mm~yyyy]% 		V2.97.0    	%ws_ignore%                                    
Std.RainDerivation y/m  %ws_rainSTDV_year_proz[01~-001]% 		V2.97.0	%ws_ignore%                                    

covered on actual days in the year/month:
Std.Rain DV year        %ws_rainSTDVx_year_proz%                       V2.83.0              
Std.Rain Derivation     %ws_rainSTDVx_proz%                            V2.83.0 
Std.Rain DV year value  %ws_rainSTDVx_year%	                       V2.98.1              
Std.Rain Derivation val %ws_rainSTDVx%     	                       V2.98.1 

Rain reference  0 mm    %rain0value%
Rain reference  2 mm    %rain2value%
Rain reference  5 mm    %rain5value%
Rain reference  10mm    %rain10value%
Rain reference  20mm    %rain20value%

Date last rain          %ws_lastrain%                                   V2.83.4             
last Rain: time         %ws_lastraint%                                  V2.84.0
last Rain: date         %ws_lastraind%                                  V2.84.0

without rain since      %ws_desert_duration%                            V2.83.4
without rain (short)    %ws_desert_durations%                           V2.84.1
without rain since     #%ws_desert_duration[1]%                         V2.92.6			%ws_ignore%
without rain (short)   #%ws_desert_durations[1]%                        V2.92.6			%ws_ignore%
without rain days       %ws_desert_days%                                V2.93.8

Evapotranspiration day *%ws_evapotrans_day%			V2.98.0 mod                                        
Evapotransp. month     *%ws_evapotrans_month%   at month_only too	V2.98.0 mod                  
Evapotransp. year      *%ws_evapotrans_year%			V2.98.0 mod                                        

ET for single days     *%ws_evapotransdays%     only for template und month/year	V2.98.0 mod   

ET VantagePro / Weatherlink:
ET available            %ws_available[40]=Yes~No%
ET value               *%curval[40]% 
Average ET             *%avgval[40]%
Max. ET                *%maxval[40]% 
Max ET Time             %maxtime[40]%

ET last hour            %curminmaxhour[4,1,40]%
ET last 3 hours         %curminmaxhour[4,3,40]%

ET day VantagePro      *%ws_evapotransvt_day%			V2.98.0 mod 
ET week VantagePro     *%ws_evapotransvt_week%                          V2.98.0 mod  
ET month VantagePro    *%ws_evapotransvt_month%                         V2.98.0 mod  
ET year VantagePro     *%ws_evapotransvt_year%                          V2.98.0 mod  

--Variables only for  VantagePro ------------------------------------------------
Firmware Date           %ws_firmwarevt%                                 V2.90.0
Date start storm rain   %ws_datestormrain%                              V2.90.0
Value storm rain       *%ws_valstormrain%                               V2.98.0 mod
Rainrate/hour          *%ws_rainrateh%                                  V2.98.0 mod
Battery  Console        %ws_batteryvt%                                  V2.90.0
Bat-Status Rec. 8..1    %ws_batteryreceivvt%                            V2.90.0
Total receiving         %ws_receiveprozvt%                              V2.90.0
Number total packets    %ws_totalpacketsvt%                             V2.90.0
Number missed packets   %ws_mispacketsvt%                               V2.90.0
Number packets in row   %ws_rowpacketsvt%                               V2.90.0
Number Resync           %ws_resyncvt%                                   V2.90.0
Number CRC Errors       %ws_crcerrorsvt%                                V2.90.0

Time sensor current             %curval[39]%

Time sensor  day time  short    %t_sensday_s%
Time sensor  week time  short   %t_sensweek_s% 
Time sensor  month time short   %t_sensmonth_s%            at month_only too
Time sensor  year time  short   %t_sensyear_s% 
%unit_off% without units -> always in hours:minutes (x:xx):
Time sensor  day time  short    %t_sensday_s%
Time sensor  week time  short   %t_sensweek_s% 
Time sensor  month time short   %t_sensmonth_s%            at month_only too
Time sensor  year time  short   %t_sensyear_s% 

Time sensor  24h time          %t_sensday24h%                                        V2.83.0
Time sensor  day time          %t_sensday% 
Time sensor  week time         %t_sensweek%
Time sensor  month time        %t_sensmonth%              at month_only too
Time sensor  year time         %t_sensyear% 

Time sensor 24h Time dec.      %t_sensday24h_d%                                      V2.83.0
Time sensor day time  dec.     %t_sensday_d%                                         V2.83.0
Time sensor week time  dec .   %t_sensweek_d%                                        V2.83.0
Time sensor month time dec.    %t_sensmonth_d%              at month_only too        V2.83.0
Time sensor year time  dec.    %t_sensyear_d%                                        V2.83.0 

Time sensor X-day              %t_sensdaypast[dd~mm~yyyy]%                           V2.85.1  
Example time sensor X-day      %t_sensdaypast[00~00~-001]%   

Time sensor last hour          %curminmaxhour[4,1,39]%
Time sensor last 3 hours       %curminmaxhour[4,3,39]%

CallSign-ID APRS        %ws_aprs_callid%        

Aprsline1               %ws_aprsitem1%                                 
Aprsline2               %ws_aprsitem2%                                 

The value in the angular clamp declares the number of values. Allowed area 1-99
Normally necessary is the 24-hours view!
Array Temperature       %ws_arraytemp[10]%                  in °C  - 10 values      V2.85.10     %ws_ignore%
Array Humidity          %ws_arrayhum[20]%                   in %   - 20 values      V2.85.10     %ws_ignore%
Array Barometer         %ws_arraybaro[10]%                  in hPa                  V2.85.10     %ws_ignore%
Array Rain              %ws_arrayrain[10]%                  in mm                   V2.85.10     %ws_ignore%
Array Wind              %ws_arraywind[10]%                  in Knots                V2.85.10     %ws_ignore%
Array Gust              %ws_arraygust[10]%                  in Knots                V2.85.10     %ws_ignore%
Array Winddirection     %ws_arraywinddir[20]%               in Grad                 V2.85.10     %ws_ignore%
Array indoor temp       %ws_arraytempin[10]%                in °C  - 10 values      V2.93.7      %ws_ignore%
Array indoor hum        %ws_arrayhumin[10]%                 in %   - 10 values      V2.93.7      %ws_ignore%
Array Sensor id	%ws_arrayx[id~xx]% 		id=-1...46, xx=01-99	V2.97.9	 %ws_ignore%
Array Sensor id	%ws_arrayx[33~60]%				V2.97.9	 %ws_ignore%

60 Min Array	%ws_array60min[xx]%                 xx=-1...46              V2.94.0      %ws_ignore%
					xx=35,45 in Knots

24 hrs Array Temp       %ws_arraytemp24h%                                           V2.85.10     %ws_ignore%
24 hrs Array Barometer  %ws_arraybaro24h%                                           V2.85.10     %ws_ignore%
24 hrs Array Rain       %ws_arrayrain24h%                                           V2.85.10     %ws_ignore%
24 hrs Array Wind       %ws_arraywind24h%                  in Knots                 V2.85.10     %ws_ignore%
24 hrs Array UV         %ws_arrayuv24h%                                             V2.85.10     %ws_ignore%
24 hrs Array Solar      %ws_arraysolar24h%                                          V2.85.10     %ws_ignore%
24 hrs Array Time       %ws_arraytime24h%                 20V                       V2.85.10     %ws_ignore%
24 hrs Array Winddir    %ws_arraywindd24h%                20V                       V2.93.9      %ws_ignore%

24 hrs Array Hum        %ws_arrayhum24h%                  24V                       V2.92.6 	 %ws_ignore%
24 hrs Array tempIndoor %ws_arraytempin24h%               24V                       V2.93.7      %ws_ignore%
24 hrs Array hum Indoor %ws_arrayhumin24h%                24V                       V2.93.7      %ws_ignore%

24 hrs Array Temp       %ws_arraytemp4h%                  4V                        V2.93.8      %ws_ignore%
24 hrs Array Barometer  %ws_arraybaro4h%                  4V                        V2.93.8      %ws_ignore%
24 hrs Array Rain       %ws_arrayrain4h%                  4V                        V2.93.8      %ws_ignore%
24 hrs Array Wind       %ws_arraywind4h%                  4V in Knots               V2.93.8      %ws_ignore%
24 hrs Array UV         %ws_arrayuv4h%                    4V                        V2.93.8      %ws_ignore%
24 hrs Array Solar      %ws_arraysolar4h%                 4V                        V2.93.8      %ws_ignore%
24 hrs Array Time       %ws_arraytime4h%                  4V                        V2.93.8      %ws_ignore%
24 hrs Array Winddir    %ws_arraywindd4h%                 4V                        V2.93.9      %ws_ignore%

Week Array Rain *10     %ws_arrayrainweek%                                          V2.85.10     %ws_ignore%

31 day Array Temp Max   %ws_arraytempmax31d%                                        V2.85.10     %ws_ignore%
31 day Array Temp Min   %ws_arraytempmin31d%                                        V2.85.10     %ws_ignore%
31 day Array Rain       %ws_arrayrain31d%                                           V2.85.10     %ws_ignore%  
31 day Array Barometer  %ws_arraybaro31d%                                           V2.85.10     %ws_ignore%
31 day Array Wind       %ws_arraywind31d%                  in Knots                 V2.85.10     %ws_ignore%
31 day Array Wind dir   %ws_arraywinddir31d%                               	V2.92.6      %ws_ignore%
31 day Array Hum        %ws_arrayhum31d%	                               	V2.92.6      %ws_ignore%

Day Array              *%ws_xarraydxx[id~s~a~ddd]%  			V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%
                        id = -1..46		35,45 in Knots
                        s = Separtor (for example " " "," ";") -> 1 Char!
                        a = 0 ->Average
		a = 1 ->Minimum
		a = 2 ->Maximum
		a = 3 ->Date
		a = 4 ->Sum only valid for ID 34,37,38,39,40
		a = 5 ->Min Time
		a = 6 ->Max Time
		a = 7 ->Average of the Average over Days
		a = 8 ->Minimum Average over Days
		a = 9 ->Maximum Average over Days
		ddd = 000->031 Days, 001...400 Days backwarts

Month Array            *%ws_xarraymxx[id~s~a~dd]%  			V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%
                        id = -1..46			35,45 in Knots
                        s = Separator (for example " " "," ";") -> 1 Char!
                        a = 0 ->Average
		a = 1 ->Minimum
		a = 2 ->Maximum
		a = 3 ->Year_Month
		a = 4 ->Sum only valid for ID 34,37,38,39,40
		a = 5 ->Min Date_Time
		a = 6 ->Max Date_Time
		a = 7 ->Average of the Average over Month
		a = 8 ->Minimum Average over Month
		a = 9 ->Maximum Average over Month
		dd = 0->12 Month, 1..36 Month backwarts

Day Array Date	%ws_xarraydxx[0~ ~3~31]%  			V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%
Day Array Temperature	%ws_xarraydxx[0~ ~0~0]%  			V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%
Day Array Temp Max      %ws_xarraydxx[0~ ~2~0]%  			V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%
Day Array Temp Min      %ws_xarraydxx[0~ ~1~0]%  			V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%
Day Array T MinTime	%ws_xarraydxx[0~ ~5~0]%  			V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%
Day Array T MaxTime	%ws_xarraydxx[0~ ~6~0]%  			V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%
Day Array Average Temp	%ws_xarraydxx[0~ ~7~365]%  			V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%
Day Array Average Max   %ws_xarraydxx[0~ ~9~365]%  			V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%
Day Array Average Min   %ws_xarraydxx[0~ ~8~365]%  			V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%

Day Array Hum	%ws_xarraydxx[-1~ ~0~0]%  			V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%
31Days Array Rain       %ws_xarraydxx[34~ ~0~0]%  			V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%
Day Array Baro	%ws_xarraydxx[33~ ~0~0]%  			V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%
31Days Array Wind       %ws_xarraydxx[35~ ~0~0]%  	in Knots		V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%
31Days Array Wind       %ws_newunit[35]=3%%ws_xarraydxx[35~ ~0~0]% in knots  	V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%
31Days Array Wind dir   %ws_xarraydxx[36~ ~0~0]%  			V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%
31Days Array UV         %ws_xarraydxx[41~ ~0~0]%  			V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%
31Days Array Solar      %ws_xarraydxx[42~ ~0~0]%  			V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%
31Days Array SonnenTime %ws_xarraydxx[37~ ~0~0]%  			V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%
31Days Array R-Time     %ws_xarraydxx[39~ ~0~0]%  			V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%

Day Array Rain          %ws_xarraydxx[34~ ~4~0]%  			V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%
Day Array SunTime       %ws_xarraydxx[37~ ~4~0]%  			V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%
Day Array R-Time        %ws_xarraydxx[39~ ~4~0]%  			V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%
Day Array xxx           %ws_xarraydxx[38~ ~4~0]%  			V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%
Day Array ET            %ws_xarraydxx[40~ ~4~0]%  			V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%

Month Array Date	%ws_xarraymxx[0~;~3~012]%  			V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%
Month Array Temp	%ws_xarraymxx[0~ ~0~12]%  			V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%
Day Array Temp Max      %ws_xarraymxx[0~ ~2~0]%  			V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%
Day Array Temp Min      %ws_xarraymxx[0~ ~1~0]%  			V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%
Day Array Temp Max      %ws_xarraymxx[0~ ~2~36]%  			V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%
Day Array Temp Min      %ws_xarraymxx[0~ ~1~36]%  			V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%
Day Array T MinTime	%ws_xarraymxx[0~ ~5~36]%  			V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%
Day Array T MaxTime	%ws_xarraymxx[0~;~6~0]%  			V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%
Day Array Average Temp	%ws_xarraymxx[0~ ~7~0]%  			V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%	
Day Array Average Max   %ws_xarraymxx[0~ ~9~0]%  			V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%	
Day Array Average Min   %ws_xarraymxx[0~ ~8~0]%  			V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%	

Month Array Temp °F	%ws_newunit[0]=1%*%ws_xarraymxx[0~ ~0~0]%  		V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%
Month Array Rain        %ws_xarraymxx[34~ ~0~0]%  			V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%
Month Array UV          %ws_xarraymxx[41~ ~0~0]%  			V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%
Month Array Solar       %ws_xarraymxx[42~ ~0~0]%  			V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%
Month Array SunTime     %ws_xarraymxx[37~ ~0~0]%  			V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%
Month Array R-Time      %ws_xarraymxx[39~ ~0~0]%  			V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%

Month Array Rain        %ws_xarraymxx[34~ ~4~0]%  			V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%
Month Array SunTime     %ws_xarraymxx[37~ ~4~0]%  			V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%
Month Array R-Time      %ws_xarraymxx[39~ ~4~0]%  			V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%
Month Array xxx         %ws_xarraymxx[38~ ~4~0]%  			V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%
Month Array ET          %ws_xarraymxx[40~ ~4~0]%  			V2.98.0	%ws_ignore%

12 month Array Rain     %ws_arrayrain12m%	                               	V2.92.6      %ws_ignore%
12 month Array Rain WDL %ws_arrayrain12m_wl%	           for WDLive          	V2.92.6      %ws_ignore%

Weather forecast text   %forecast_txt%
Weather forecast text  #%forecast_txt[0]%                                           V2.91.4    %ws_ignore%          
Weather forecast icon   %forecast_icon%
Weather forecast Vant   %forecast_vant%
Weather forecast Vant  #%forecast_txt[0]%                                             V2.91.4    %ws_ignore%          

Weather forecast VantagePro long %forecast_vant_long%   (for speech!)                 V2.83.0
Weather forecast numb.  %forecast_number%       0=not specified, 1..12                V2.83.0
Weather fore.numb Vant  %forecast_number_vant%  -1=not specified, 0..196              V2.83.0

Weather forecast text1   %forecast_txt1%                                            
Weather forecast text2   %forecast_txt2%                                            
Weather forecast text3   %forecast_txt3%                                            

Weather comment from WA  %wa_comment%                                                 V2.85.0

Own text 1              %ws_own_txt1%
Own text 2              %ws_own_txt2%
Own text 3              %ws_own_txt3%
Own text 4              %ws_own_txt4%
Own text 5              %ws_own_txt5%
Own text 6              %ws_own_txt6%

Ice warning graphic     %icewarning%           (-> ice.gif or no_ice.gif)
Ice warning text        %icewarningtxt%       
Ice warning text       #%icewarningtxt[0]%                                          V2.91.4    %ws_ignore%
Ice warning?            %ws_icewarning=Yes~No%

Status  DCFSyncron      %ws_dcfsyncron%                                             
Status  DCFSyncron      %ws_dcfsyncroncolor%                                           

Current WeekGraphic     %ws_weekgif%            (take yearly separation into account, if chosen)
Last    WeekGraphic     %ws_lweekgif%           (take yearly separation into account, if chosen)
Current MonthGraphic    %ws_monthgif%           (take yearly separation into account, if chosen)
Last    MonthGraphic    %ws_lmonthgif%          (take yearly separation into account, if chosen)
Year folder             %ws_yearfolder%         (= for example "2003/" - possibly necessary, if chosen yearly separation)
Moon rise               %ws_moonrise%           
Moon transit            %ws_moontransit%        
Moon set                %ws_moonset%            
Moon age                %ws_moonage%            
Moon age               #%ws_moonage[1]%                                          V2.92.6			%ws_ignore%
Moon phase              %ws_moonphase%          
Moon phase without %    %ws_moonphased%				V2.93.9          
Mond phase without +-%  %ws_moonphasev%				V2.95.11  

next new moon           %ws_moonnew%           
next full moon          %ws_moonfull%           
next first moon quart   %ws_moonfirstq%         
next last moon wuart    %ws_moonlastq%          
Moon graphic phase      %ws_moongif%           
Moongraph first quarter %ws_fq_moongif%         
Moongraph last quarter  %ws_lq_moongif%         

now without hardspace ( ):
next new moon           %ws_moonnew%           
next full moon          %ws_moonfull%           
next first moon quart   %ws_moonfirstq%         
Moon phase              %ws_moonphase%          

Julian Date       	%ws_juliandate%			V2.95.9			%ws_ignore%

Eastern +- x-days	%ws_easterdatex[xxx]%			V2.99.8			%ws_ignore%
Whit Monday		%ws_easterdatex[50]%			V2.99.8
Eastern                 %ws_easterdate%			V2.95.9			
Spring Equinox	%ws_spring%				V2.95.9			%ws_ignore%
Summer Solstice   	%ws_summer%				V2.95.9			%ws_ignore%
Autumn Equinox	%ws_autumn%				V2.95.9			%ws_ignore%
Winter Solstice   	%ws_winter%				V2.95.9			%ws_ignore%

Moon distance	%ws_moondistance%			V2.95.9			%ws_ignore%
Moon subtends	%ws_moonsubtend%			V2.95.9			%ws_ignore%
Last Lunation	%ws_lastlunation%			V2.95.9			%ws_ignore%
Next Lunation	%ws_nextlunation%			V2.95.9			%ws_ignore%
Next perigee	%ws_nextperigee%			V2.95.9			%ws_ignore%
Next apogee		%ws_nextapogee%			V2.95.9			%ws_ignore%
Next moon eclipse	%ws_mooneclipse%			V2.95.9	shows after the occurrence of the next lunar eclipse only after 28 days
Next moon eclipse	%ws_mooneclipsex%			V2.99.8.9	shows next lunar eclipse immediately

Moon position Azimut    %ws_moonpos_az%			V2.98.2			%ws_ignore%
Moon position Azimutabs %ws_moonpos_abs_az%			V2.98.2			%ws_ignore%
Moon position Elevation %ws_moonpos_el%			V2.98.2			%ws_ignore%
Moon pos Elev>0(night)  %ws_moonpos_el_g0%			V2.98.2			%ws_ignore%
Moon high elv position  %ws_moonpos_high_el%			V2.98.2			%ws_ignore%
Moon rise  Az abs       %ws_moonrise_pos_abs_az%		V2.98.3			%ws_ignore%
Moon set   Az abs       %ws_moonset_pos_abs_az%			V2.98.3			%ws_ignore%
Moon rise  Az           %ws_moonrise_pos_az%			V2.98.3			%ws_ignore%
Moon set   Az           %ws_moonset_pos_az%			V2.98.3			%ws_ignore%

Sun distance   	%ws_sundistance%			V2.95.9			%ws_ignore%
Sun subtends    	%ws_sunsubtend%			V2.95.9			%ws_ignore%
Next perihelion	%ws_nextperihel%			V2.95.9			%ws_ignore%
Next aphelion	%ws_nextaphel%			V2.95.9			%ws_ignore%
Next sun eclipse	%ws_suneclipse%			V2.95.9	shows after the occurrence of the next sun eclipse only after 28 days
Next sun eclipse	%ws_suneclipsex%			V2.99.8.9	shows next sun eclipse immediately

Sun rise                %ws_sunrise%           
Sun transit             %ws_suntransit%         
Sun set                 %ws_sunset%            
Sun rise yesterday      %ws_sunriseyest%       
Sun rise tommorrow      %ws_sunrisetomo%        
Sun set tommorrow       %ws_sunsettomo%                                 V2.84.1 

Info moon/sun           %ws_infomoonsun%        
Info monn/sun           #%ws_infomoonsun[1]%			V2.92.6			%ws_ignore%

Morning twinl. civil    %ws_suntwinrisecivil%   
Evening twinl. civil    %ws_suntwinsetcivil%    
Morning twinl. nautic.  %ws_suntwinrisenaut%    
Evening twinl. autic.   %ws_suntwinsetnaut%     
Morning twinl. astron.  %ws_suntwinriseastro%   
Evening twin.. astron.  %ws_suntwinsetastro%    

Sun rise x-day          %ws_sunrise[dd~mm~yyyy]%                        V2.93.8                             %ws_ignore%
Sun set x-day           %ws_sunset[dd~mm~yyyy]%                         V2.93.8                             %ws_ignore%
Sun rise with day x-day %ws_sunrised[dd~mm~yyyy]%                       V2.93.8                             %ws_ignore%
Sun set with day x-day  %ws_sunsetd[dd~mm~yyyy]%                        V2.93.8                             %ws_ignore%

Example sun rise        %ws_sunrise[00~-1~0000]%
Example sun set         %ws_sunset[00~-1~0000]%
Example sun rise        %ws_sunrise[-1~00~0000]%
Example sun set         %ws_sunset[-1~00~0000]%
Example sun rise        %ws_sunrised[00~-1~0000]%
Example sun set         %ws_sunsetd[00~-1~0000]%
Example sun rise        %ws_sunrised[-1~00~0000]%
Example sun set         %ws_sunsetd[-1~00~0000]%

Daylight saving start   %ws_summertimestart%    
Daylight saving end     %ws_summertimeend%      

Sun position Azimut     %ws_sunpos_az%    
Sun position Azimut abs %ws_sunpos_abs_az%
Sun position Elevation  %ws_sunpos_el%        
Sun position Elev>0(day)%ws_sunpos_el_g0%                              
Sun high elv position   %ws_sunpos_high_el%   
Sun rise pos Az abs     %ws_sunrise_pos_abs_az%			V2.98.3
Sun set pos  Az abs     %ws_sunset_pos_abs_az%			V2.98.3

Length of Day (Sun)     %ws_daylength%          
Length of Day(Sun)long  %ws_daylengthlong%   (for speech!)              V2.83.0    

Longitude               %ws_longitude%          
Longitude-Text          %ws_longitudetxt% 
Longitude-Text short    %ws_longitudetxts% 
Longitude as value      %ws_longitudevalue%                            
Longitude decimal       %ws_longitudedec% 

Latitude                %ws_latitude%           
Latitude-Text           %ws_latitudetxt% 
Latitude-Text short     %ws_latitudetxt% 
Latitude as value       %ws_latitudevalue%                             
Latitude decimal        %ws_latitudedec%

Snow height             %snowheight%
Date snow height enter  %snowdate%                                      V2.83.0

Snow-line               %snowline%                                     
Cloud line              %cloudline%                                    
Horizont view (app.)    %horiz_view%                               
Day State               %ws_isdaynight=Day,Morning twilight,Evening twilight, Night%  

Normal temperature      %ws_normaltemp[%ws_month%]%          ws_month=0..12, 0=year, 1..12=month               V2.91.5
Normal rain             %ws_normalrain[%ws_month%]%          ws_month=0..12, 0=year, 1..12=month               V2.91.5
Normal sun time         %ws_normalsun[%ws_month%]%           ws_month=0..12, 0=year, 1..12=month               V2.91.5

--Reception, Sun , UV , Brightness ---------------------------------------------------------------
Reception available    %ws_available[46]=Yes~No%
Reception current       %curval[46]% 
Average reception       %avgval[46]%
Max. reception          %maxval[46]% 
Max reception time      %maxtime[46]%
Min.reception           %minval[46]% 
Min reception time      %mintime[46]%

UV text		%ws_uvtext% -> none, minimal, low, moderate, high, veryhigh			V2.93.15

UV available            %ws_available[41]=Yes~No%
UV-value                %curval[41]% 
Avergage UV        .    %avgval[41]%
Max. UV                 %maxval[41]% 
Max UV time             %maxtime[41]%

Solar available         %ws_available[42]=Yes~No%
Solar rad. value        %curval[42]% 
Solar rad. last 1hour   %curminmaxhour[3,1,42]%
Solar rad. last 2hours  %curminmaxhour[3,2,42]%
Average solar ra.       %avgval[42]%
Max. Solar rad.         %maxval[42]% 
Max Solar time          %maxtime[42]%

Brightness available    %ws_available[38]=Yes~No%
Brightness value        %curval[38]% 
Brightness last 1hour   %curminmaxhour[3,1,38]%
Brightness last 2hours  %curminmaxhour[3,2,38]%
Average brightness      %avgval[38]%
Max. brightness         %maxval[38]% 
Max Time brightness     %maxtime[38]%

Calculate possible max values:
current sun radiation        %sunintenscur%                                                         
max sun radiation            %sunintensmax% 
value for sun shine time     %sunstart%
value for sun shine time lux %sunstartlux%

Calculation Lux->W/m²   %ws2500luxwm2%
Alternate calcLux->W/m² %ws2500luxwm2altern%                           V2.85.1

Current Lux-value       %dyncurlux% 
Current Sun rad value   %curval[38]% 

Sun/Clouds in text      %suntxt%
Sun/Clouds in text     #%suntxt[0]%                                     V2.91.4    %ws_ignore%
Sun/Clouds in %         %sunproz%                                                               
Sun/Clouds l. hour text %sun1htxt%                                      V2.84.6
Sun/Clouds l. hour text#%sun1htxt[0]%                                   V2.91.4    %ws_ignore%
Sun/Clouds last hour    %sun1hproz%                                     V2.84.6                                                               

Sun/Clouds eighth        %suneighth%                                    V2.91.4

day sun time short      %sunday_s%
week sun time short     %sunweek_s% 
month sun time short    %sunmonth_s%            at month_only too
year sun time short     %sunyear_s%
day sun time short      %sunday_s%
week sun time short     %sunweek_s% 
month sun time short    %sunmonth_s%            at month_only too
year sun time short     %sunyear_s%

sun time from WS2500    %sundayws2500%                                  V2.85.0

sun time 24h            %sunday24h%                                     V2.83.0
day sun time            %sunday%
week sun time           %sunweek%
month sun time          %sunmonth%              at month_only too
year sun time           %sunyear%

Values for calculation:
sun time   24h dec.     %sunday24h_d%                                   V2.83.0
day sun time   dec.     %sunday_d%                                      V2.83.0
week sun time  dec.     %sunweek_d%                                     V2.83.0
month sun time dec.     %sunmonth_d%              at month_only too     V2.83.0
year sun time  dec.     %sunyear_d%                                     V2.83.0

Sun time day x-day      %sundaypast[dd~mm~yyyy]%                        V2.85.1 
Example sun time X-day  %sundaypast[00~00~-001]%
Example sun time X-day  %ws_timetoval[%sundaypast[00~00~-001]%]%	V2.99.5

Sun time current        %curval[37]%      
Sun time last hour      %curminmaxhour[4,1,37]%
Sun time last 3 hours   %curminmaxhour[4,3,37]%

StandardSunDerivation   %ws_sunSTDV%           at month_only too        V2.85.2
Std.SunDerivation year  %ws_sunSTDV_year%                               V2.85.2
Std.SunDerivation y/m   %ws_sunSTDV_year[mm~yyyy]%                      V2.97.0     %ws_ignore%
Std.SunDerivation y/m   %ws_sunSTDV_year[00~-001]%                      V2.97.0	%ws_ignore%
Std.SunDer. in proz     %ws_sunSTDV_proz%      at month_only too        V2.85.2
Std.SunDer year in pro  %ws_sunSTDV_year_proz%                          V2.85.2
Std.SunDerivation y/m   %ws_sunSTDV_year_proz[mm~yyyy]%                 V2.97.0     %ws_ignore%
Std.SunDerivation y/m   %ws_sunSTDV_year_proz[00~-001]%                 V2.97.0	%ws_ignore%
Normal sun time         %ws_normalsun%         at month_only too        V2.85.2
Normal sun time year    %ws_normalsunyear%                              V2.85.2

covered on actual days in the year/month:
Std.SunDerivation year  %ws_sunSTDVx_year_proz%                         V2.85.2
Std.Sun Derivation      %ws_sunSTDVx_proz%                              V2.85.2

Sun graphics            %sungif%                
                                                sdark.gif, shazy.gif, sstcloudy.gif
                                                scloudy.gif, sslcloudy.gif, ssunny.gif

only valid for VantagePro and solar sensor available!
Sum solar x-day         %avgvalpast[38~dd~mm~yyyy]%                                                         V2.96.4     %ws_ignore%
Sum x-m/y               %avgval_mpast[38~mm~yyyy]%                                                          V2.96.4     %ws_ignore%
Min-Sum month/year      %avgmin_mpast[38~mm~yyyy]%                                                          V2.96.4     %ws_ignore%
Min-Sum date m/y        %avgmindate_mpast[38~mm~yyyy]%                                                      V2.96.4     %ws_ignore%
Max-Sum month/year      %avgmax_mpast[38~mm~yyyy]%                                                          V2.96.4     %ws_ignore% 
Max-Sum date m/y        %avgmaxdate_mpast[38~mm~yyyy]%                                                      V2.96.4     %ws_ignore% 

Solar energy       	%solarenergy_mpast[mm~yyyy]%					V2.96.4     %ws_ignore% 
Solar profit            %solarprofit_mpast[mm~yyyy]% Euro oder Dollar oder ? 			V2.96.4     %ws_ignore% 

Solar ernergy           %solarenergy_mpast[00~2010]%
Solar profit            %solarprofit_mpast[00~2010]% Euro

Long time value                                
Sensor available        %ws_available[T1]=Yes~No%                     
MinTemperature          %LT_TempMin%
Date MinTemperature     %LT_TempMinDate%
Time MinTemperature     %LT_TempMinTime%
MaxTemperature          %LT_TempMax%
Date MaxTemperature     %LT_TempMaxDate%
Time MaxTemperature     %LT_TempMaxTime%

Sensor available        %ws_available[T2]=Yes~No%                     
MinTemperature 2        %LT_Temp2Min%
Date MinTemperature 2   %LT_Temp2MinDate%
Time MinTemperature 2   %LT_Temp2MinTime%
MaxTemperature 2        %LT_Temp2Max%
Date MaxTemperature 2   %LT_Temp2MaxDate%
Time MaxTemperature 2   %LT_Temp2MaxTime%

MinAir pressure         %LT_BaroMin%
Date MinAir pressure    %LT_BaroMinDate%
Time MinAir pressure    %LT_BaroMinTime%
MaxAir pressure         %LT_BaroMax%
Date MaxAir pressure    %LT_BaroMaxDate%
Time MaxAir pressure    %LT_BaroMaxTime%
MaxChange pressure 1h   %LT_BaroMax1h%
Date MaxChange pr. 1h   %LT_BaroMax1hDate%
MaxChange pressure day  %LT_BaroMaxDay%
Date MaxChange pr. day  %LT_BaroMaxDayDate%
MaxChange pressure 24h  %LT_BaroMax24h%                                 V2.91.4
Date MaxChange pr. 24h  %LT_BaroMax24hDate%                             V2.91.4
Max Wind                %LT_WindMax%
Date Max Wind           %LT_WindMaxDate%
Time Max Wind           %LT_WindMaxTime%

Max Gust                %LT_GustMax%
Date Max Gust           %LT_GustMaxDate%
Time Max Gust           %LT_GustMaxTime%
Max Rain/day            %LT_RainDayMax%
Date Max Rain/day       %LT_RainDayMaxDate%

Max Rain/hour           %LT_RainHourMax%
Date Max Rain/hour      %LT_RainHourMaxDate%
Time Max Rain/hour      %lt_rainhourmaxdatetime%                        V2.93.7

Last rain desert start  %LT_NoRainDateStart%                            V2.83.5
Desert begin only time  %LT_NoRainDateStartT%                           V2.84.0
Desert begin only date  %LT_NoRainDateStartD%                           V2.84.0
Last No Rain end        %LT_NoRainDateStartend%                         V2.85.3
Last No Rain end time   %LT_NoRainDateStartendT%                        V2.85.3a
Last No Rain end date   %LT_NoRainDateStartendD%                        V2.85.3a
Time without rain       %LT_NoRainDuration%                             V2.83.5
Time without rain      #%LT_NoRainDuration[x]%                          V2.92.6			%ws_ignore%
Longest frost begin     %LT_IceDayDateStartbegin%                       V2.85.3
Longest frost beg:time  %LT_IceDayDateStartbegint%                      V2.85.3a
Longest frost beg:date  %LT_IceDayDateStartbegind%                      V2.85.3a
Longest frost end       %LT_IceDayDateStart%                            V2.85.2
Longest frost end time  %LT_IceDayDateStartT%                           V2.85.2
Longest frost end data  %LT_IceDayDateStartD%                           V2.85.2
Duration longest frost  %LT_IceDayDuration%                             V2.85.2
Duration longest frost #%LT_IceDayDuration[x]%                          V2.92.6			%ws_ignore%

Max. solar rad.         %LT_SolarMax%
Date max. solar rad.    %LT_SolarMaxDate%
Time max. solar rad.    %LT_SolarMaxTime%
Sensor available +Html  %ws_available[38]=Yes~No%    {38->WS2500}
Sensor available +Html  %ws_available[42]=Yes~No%    {42->VantagePro - WS2500 calculated}

Max. UV-Index           %LT_UVMax%
Date  Max. UV-Index     %LT_UVMaxDate%
Time Max. UV-Index      %LT_UVMaxTime%
Sensor available +Html  %ws_available[41]=Yes~No%                 

Recording begin         %LT_Begin%

Values only for current Year --------------------------------------------------
Last rain desert start  %LT_YearNoRainDateStart%                        V2.99.0
Last rain desert startT %LT_YearNoRainDateStartT%                       V2.99.1
Last rain desert startD %LT_YearNoRainDateStartD%                       V2.99.1

Last No Rain end        %LT_YearNoRainDateStartend%                     V2.99.0
Last No Rain end Time   %LT_YearNoRainDateStartendT%                    V2.99.1
Last No Rain end Date   %LT_YearNoRainDateStartendD%                    V2.99.1

Time without rain       %LT_YearNoRainDuration%                         V2.99.0
Time without rain      #%LT_YearNoRainDuration[x]%                      V2.99.0			%ws_ignore%

Longest frost begin     %LT_YearIceDayDateStartbegin%                   V2.99.0
Longest frost beginTime %LT_YearIceDayDateStartbeginT%                  V2.99.1
Longest frost beginDate %LT_YearIceDayDateStartbeginD%                  V2.99.1

Longest frost end       %LT_YearIceDayDateStart%                        V2.99.0
Longest frost end Time  %LT_YearIceDayDateStartT%    	            V2.99.1
Longest frost end Date  %LT_YearIceDayDateStartD%                       V2.99.1

Duration longest frost  %LT_YearIceDayDuration%                         V2.99.0
Duration longest frost #%LT_YearIceDayDuration[x]%                      V2.99.0			%ws_ignore%

Max Rain/hour           %LT_YearRainHourMax%                        	V2.99.0
Date Max Rain/hour      %LT_YearRainHourMaxDate%                      	V2.99.0
Time Max Rain/hour      %lt_YearRainhourmaxdatetime%                    V2.99.0
MaxChange pressure 1h   %LT_YearBaroMax1h%			V2.99.0
Date MaxChange pr. 1h   %LT_YearBaroMax1hDate%			V2.99.0
MaxChange pressure day  %LT_YearBaroMaxDay%			V2.99.0
Date MaxChange pr. day  %LT_YearBaroMaxDayDate%			V2.99.0
MaxChange pressure 24h  %LT_YearBaroMax24h%			V2.99.0
Date MaxChange pr. 24h  %LT_YearBaroMax24hDate%			V2.99.0

-- Formatting   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Formatting  *10         %ws_format10[12,1]%                                                     V2.85.7
Formatting  *10         %ws_format10[%curval[0]%]%  %ws_format10[%windms%]%                     V2.85.7
Formatting  *10         %ws_format10[only a test]%                                              V2.85.7

Formatting integral     %ws_format1[12,1]%                                                      V2.85.7
Formatting integral     %ws_format1[%curval[0]%]%  %ws_format1[%windms%]%                       V2.85.7
Formatting integral     %ws_format1[only a test]%                                               V2.85.7


Remove blanks etc.      %ws_modtext[das ist nur ein test äöüß]%12345                            V2.85.8

Remove chars            %ws_replacestr=oldtext1~newtext2~text%                                  V2.85.10
                        %ws_replacestr=:~ ~00:24%

Replace with Html-Code 	%ws_replaceforhtml[das ° ^ Ä ist nur ein test äöüß]%		V2.94.0 

Replace with UTF-8 Code %ws_replaceforutf8[das ° ^ Ä ist nur ein test äöüß]%		V2.95.1
Compare text            %ws_comparestr=text1~text2~text3%                                       V2.85.10
                        If text1 <> text2 then result = text2
                        If text1 =  text2 then result = text3

Compare text =/<>       %ws_comparestrx=text1~text2~text3~text4%			V2.95.1
		if text1 =  text2 then result = text3
		if text1 <> text2 then result = text4

Example:                %nrtval[8]%
Compare text            %ws_comparestr=- -~16.1~0%                                              V2.85.10
Compare text            %ws_comparestr=- -~%nrtval[8]%~0%1234567890                                                     

fill with blanks        %ws_fillstr=total_number~Text% ->invalid total number then total number=10	V2.96.9
                        if the "text"-total-number bigger then the total-number, then no alteration!

Remove text             %ws_cutstr=start~count~text%                                            V2.91.5
Instring text	%ws_instr=start~count~text%				V2.96.2

                        If start=0, then "count" signs from right hand are removed
                        If start <0 the counting signs from right hand
                        At invalid data, for example for start,count no number, a " " is returned

Examples:              1234567890abcdefghij
Remove text         0~5~%ws_cutstr=0~5~1234567890abcdefghij%  :->1234567890abcde                V2.91.5 %ws_ignore%
Remove text        -5~3~%ws_cutstr=-5~3~1234567890abcdefghij% :->1234567890abcdeij              V2.91.5 %ws_ignore%
Remove text         1~5~%ws_cutstr=1~5~1234567890abcdefghij%  :->67890abcdefghij                V2.91.5 %ws_ignore%
Remove text         5~5~%ws_cutstr=5~5~1234567890abcdefghij%  :->12340abcdefghij                V2.91.5 %ws_ignore%

Instring text       0~5~%ws_instr=0~5~1234567890abcdefghij%   :->fghij		            V2.96.2 %ws_ignore%
Instring text      -5~3~%ws_instr=-5~3~1234567890abcdefghij%  :->fgh                            V2.96.2 %ws_ignore%
Instring text       1~5~%ws_instr=1~5~1234567890abcdefghij%   :->12345                          V2.96.2 %ws_ignore%
Instring text       5~5~%ws_instr=5~5~1234567890abcdefghij%   :->56789                          V2.96.2 %ws_ignore%

Reform time to am/pm   %ws_timeampm[hh:mm]%                                                     V2.91.5
Reform time to am/pm   %ws_timeampm[%ws_time%]%                                                 V2.91.5
Reform time to am/pm   %ws_timeampm[09:14 am]%                                                  V2.91.5

Time to Value          %ws_timetoval[09:14]% 					V2.92.3
Time to Value          %ws_timetoval[899:14]% 					V2.92.3
Time to Value          %ws_timetoval[%ws_daylength%]%				V2.92.3

Value to Time          %ws_valtotime[h,hh]% 					V2.94.4
Value to Time          %ws_valtotime[24,56789]%					V2.94.4
Value to Time          %ws_valtotime[%sunmonth_d%]%				V2.94.4


Control variables                     
Begin Template line     %templatebegin%         

Reverse working off in day-view 	            %templatereverseday%			V2.92.0

Only month dates        %month_only%             
This Control Variable "month_only" is relevant only in the year representation 
and is reseted automatic after processing.

Units not display       %unit_off%              
Units display           %unit_on%                       -> default
Justify on              %justify_on%            
Justify off             %justify_off%                   -> default

Unit justify on         %justifyunit_on%        
Unit justify off        %justifyunit_off%               -> default

Don't taken over empty lines ON 	%remove_empty_line_on%      			V2.99.8.8
Don't taken over empty lines OFF    %remove_empty_line_off%        -> default		V2.99.8.8

Allow the hour calculation          %curminmaxhour_on%      -> default
Barriers of the hour calculation    %curminmaxhour_off%

Values always metric                            %alwaysmetric_on%                          
Values as defaulted in program                  %alwaysmetric_off%      -> default              

Always Dot(.) as "decimal separator" on         %alwaysseppoint_on%   
Always Dot(.) as "decimal separator" off        %alwaysseppoint_off%    -> default    

Always Comma(,) as "decimal separator" on       %alwayssepcomma_on%                                  
Always Comma(,) as "decimal separator" off      %alwayssepcomma_off%    -> default        

Thousand separator for one line on              %thousandsep_on%				V2.98.4					

Always Minus as "Text" on                       %minus_text_on%                                      
Always Minus as "Text" off                      %minus_text_off%        -> default        

decided Date/Time representation in UTC	%utc_on%					V2.97.11                                                     
decided Date/Time representation in UTC  	%utc_off%    -> default

Time in Text                                    %ws_time_in_text_on%                                        V2.84.1
Time normal                                     %ws_time_in_text_off% -> default                            V2.84.1

To fit Html blanks (and other specific Html code) %ws_hardspace_off%                                        V2.83.0
Use Html blanks                                 %ws_hardspace_on%       -> default                          V2.83.0

Use Html-Return (
) in lists output %ws_htmlreturn_on% V2.99.8.8 Don't use Html-Return (
) in lists output %ws_htmlreturn_off% V2.99.8.8 Only hour data %hour_only% Only hour data off %hour_only_off% -> default (this control variables "hour_only" is only in "DAY" viewing relevant) Corresponding control variable in a line (for example unit_on and unit_off) should not occur - the "default" variables are preferential. New date format %ws_userdate=YYYY-MM-DD% (needs YY, MM and DD) V2.83.2 Windows date format %ws_userdate=% -> default V2.83.2 Ansi to OEM on %ansitooem_on% Ansi to OEM off %ansitooem_off% -> default For font transformation form Windows to DOS In Case of use of these variables an "evaluated" line may be max. of 512 signs long - that is where the variables were already replaced by the values (this control variable "ansitooem" is evaluated only in Templates) Ansi to UTF8 on %ansitoutf8_on% V2.95.11 Ansi to UTF8 off %ansitoutf8_off% -> default V2.95.11 For Char transformation from ANSI to UTF8 This control variable "ansitoutf8" can now be used also in custom and wap Files V2.99.8.9 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Data saving for later using: %###% stands for 1...255 , (Percent-signs necessary!) Start saving data to file %calc_save_time=x%%###% -> x= 0=always, 1,2,3,6,12,24 -> hours V2.99.8 %ws_ignore% Execution takes place only at x-hour -> Data into File calc%###%_%customfile% V2.99.8 %ws_ignore% Begin data store data in file %calc_save_on%%###% - > data in file calc%###%_%customfile% V2.98.2% ws_ignore% End of storing data in file %calc_save_off% V2.98.2% ws_ignore% Using the data formerly stored with calc_save_on or also from directly generated value-data file: Working variables off %calc_off%%###% - > data from calc%###%_%customfile% V2.98.2% ws_ignore% Working variables on %calc_on% V2.98.2% ws_ignore% These variables can be used only in pairs, so if the variable calc_save_on is actively the control variable calc_off is ignored and vice-versa if calc_off is actively calc_save_on is ignored! The variable of calc_save_on/calc_save_off doesn't work in context of Template-line ( - in Template-files already! One can generate corresponding value-data files with data itself and then can these with calc_off - calc_on "include" If the variables calc_save_on/calc_off more times in a data file, one necessarily must given a number (1..255) to the differentiation behind it additionally. The value-data files then are numbered in accordance with this number for example at user file file ws_variable.txt: calc%###%_ws_variable.txt etc.. Naming with it is "calc" + number + "_" + user-data file-name If no number was declared or there is a problem with it (for expample bigger 255 etc..) the program places the number "1" for it, or shorten the number on 3 positions (example 1334 - > it is used in 133). Example for a user-defined data file without additional number behind it custom.txt: calc1_custom.txt Get text from any file %calc_off_file=%%Path\Filename% V2.99.8.8 %ws_ignore% +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The data/variables of a "Template" must stand in a line and this variable must stand at the beginning of the line. There are max five Template-lines allowable in the template file - changeable in wswin.cfg to max. twenty (20). The other control variables should not occur in the Template line. Template-Control-Files: Time: template_time.txt Day: template_d.txt Yesterday: template_yest.txt Week: template_w.txt Month: template_m.txt template_noaa_m.txt Year: template_y.txt template_noaa_y.txt Season: template_season.txt Test: template_t.txt In the template files the variable "%openfile=" is from V2.81.0 also supported! However, it is a maximum (and solid in the program deposited) Nesting of maximum 3 files per Template-Control-File possibly. If no target name is defaulted about the variables "customfile=" or when target name is defaulted to ". txt ", ". html" or ". htm" , the file name is formed from the corresponding date values with ". txt " as filename extension (with no defaulted name) and/or. the filename extension as defaulted (.txt, .html, .htm). Is to be considered, if no target name is defaulted, the data of the 1st line are extinguished in spite of that (system-dependent) !!! Therefore, bring only comment then here. Special feature for day-file: Is here the indicated destination file name "dayx.txt" %customfile=dayx.txt% The generated files are the according weekday's number to the actual day day1.txt=Monday - day7.txt=Sunday The signs after the "." and to to the "%" are interpreted as filename extension and added to the file name again. for example: dayx.csv -> becomes files day1.csv; day2.csv and so forth. Special feature for test-file: Is indicated here as a destination file name "testx.txt" %customfile=testx.txt% The file names are generated for the according period of the representation, for example: test_d1.txt = Day 1 of the corresponding month/year test_w1.txt = Week 1 of the corresponding year test_m4.txt = Month 4 of the corresponding year test_y2001.txt = Year 2001 Also here you can default another filename extension - for example %customfile=testx.html% - then the generated files are test_d1.html, test_w1.html and so forth. The control files template_noaa_y.txt and/or template_noaa_m.txt create allways a Output-File in the "Text-Folder" to the model: noaaYYYY.txt z.B. noaa2002.txt noaaYYYYMM.txt z.B. noaa200202.txt (February 2002) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The main control files are (respectively first file): custom.txt wap.txt wswin_nrt.txt only one file allowed: ws_speech.txt ws_speech1h.txt custom_r.txt custom_rw.txt custom_rm.txt custom_sms.txt ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Remove this line and set new %openfile&remove=testx.html% this line will be removed! V2.83.2 next file Sense of this variable is: no more disturb of the contents of a text file!! Files extend/append %openfileappend=anhangen.txt% V2.85.8 For example, one can produce an individual export file with it, that continuously automatic it is extended. The file name for openfile=dateiname.ext can be set with variables V2.84.3a Example: %ws_setmem[30]=wswin_xml.txt% Setting new file: !!! Using of varialbes for result file name: V2.85.7 for %customfile= are the variables ws_year, ws_month2, ws_day2 and ws_yearfolder and ws_week and ws_dayweek allowed!!! V2.93.15 Start Program at Condition=1 %wswin_runprogram=Condition^C:\Path\Filename^Parameter% V2.98.0 %ws_ignore% -> Program is started when all customised files are worked off and condition is 1 This variable is not supported for the template files Start Program at Condition=1 %wswin_runprogramx=Condition^C:\Path\Filename^Parameter% V2.98.0 %ws_ignore% -> if the current customised file is ready and condition is 1 This variable is only supported since V2.99.8 in the template files Condition can and should be build with the variables (ws_compare) Path+Filename: max 255 Signs - Paramter: no Limit (former max 80 Signs!) V2.99.8.9 %wswin_runprogram=1^C:\Windows\notepad.exe^D:\Data\Test.txt% V2.98.0 %ws_ignore% %wswin_runprogramx=1^C:\Windows\notepad.exe^D:\Data\Test1.txt% V2.98.0 %ws_ignore% %wswin_runprogram=1^C:\Windows\notepad.exe^% V2.98.0 %ws_ignore% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Speech generation -/ speaking: The "ws_speech.txt" file is for that planned. Nesting is not possible. - %openfile= / %openfileappend= -> are not relevant The destination file name is preset in the program (over menu) - %customfile= -> is not relevant --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Insert empty line %ws_newline% Delete line %ws_delline% V2.84.3a Ignore line %ws_ignore% %ws_delline% V2.85.10 Don't encode the line %ws_nocoding% The variable must be written in lowercase letters! V2.98.5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 variables, that store a complete result line, maximum Length 2048 signs, V2.85.10 -> the =ws_setmemline - variable must stand at the end of the line! store line 1 1^=ws_setmemline1^ store line 2 2^=ws_setmemline2^ store line 3 3^=ws_setmemline3^ Count of stored Signs ^ws_memline3length^ V2.99.8.9 memline3 has no Limit of 2048 signs anymore! V2.99.8.9 Result of the 3 lines ^ws_getmemline1^#^ws_getmemline2^#^ws_getmemline3^ Delete Data Mem-variable ^ws_delmemline^ V2.99.8.9 %ws_ignore% Set Data Mem-variable ^ws_setmemline^ ->deletes existing data and sets new ones V2.99.8.9 %ws_ignore% Expand Data Mem-variable ^=ws_usememline^ ->Variable must be at the end of the line! V2.99.8.9 %ws_ignore% Use Data Mem-variable ^ws_getmemline^ V2.99.8.9 %ws_ignore% Count of stored Signs ^ws_memlinelength^ V2.99.8.9 The ws_usememlinie has a limit of 32000 Signs ! 128 variables with store-and-forward function and/or fetch-function: V2.83.0/V2.84.3a/V2.98.0 mod #1..32 are initiated with "-255" Allocation: %ws_setmem[x]=zzzzz% x = 1..128 - z can arbitrary text and/or values, Variable allocation and so forth. being with a max. length of 80 characters! Using: %ws_getmem[x]% x = 1..128 V2.98.0 mod Allocation beginning: ~%ws_setmem[21]=this is only a TEST 21%~ at the end of allocation Query of the allocation: ~%ws_getmem[21]%~ %unit_off% or ~%ws_setmem[22]=%ws_compare[1]=%t_sensday_d%~0~Time sensor %t_sensday% minutes~Today no captured Time%% Query of the allocation: ~%ws_getmem[22]%~ Allocation beginning: ~%ws_setmem[13]=this is only a TEST 13%~ at the end of allocation Query of the allocation 13: ~%ws_getmem[13]%~ Query of the allocation 30: "%ws_getmem[30]%" Query whether variable 30 was set: %ws_compare[6]=-255~%ws_getmem[30]%~Variable was seted~Variable never yet used% Allocation beginning: ~%ws_setmem[32]=this is only a TEST 32%~ at the end of allocation Query of the allocation 32: ~%ws_getmem[32]%~ Query in the case of text allocation: Allocation "%ws_setmem[11]=Test%" Query of the allocation 11: "%ws_getmem[11]% 30:"%ws_getmem[30]%" Query whether variable was set (-255/mem30): "%ws_compare[6]=-255~%ws_getmem[30]%~set~not set%" Query whether variable was set (-255/mem11): "%ws_compare[6]=-255~%ws_getmem[11]%~set~not set%" Query whether variable was set (-255/mem13): "%ws_compare[6]=-255~%ws_getmem[13]%~set~not set%" Query whether variable was set (-255/-255): "%ws_compare[6]=-255~-255~set~not set%" Query whether variable was set (-255/255): "%ws_compare[6]=-255~255~set~not set%" Query whether variable was set (-255/1): "%ws_compare[6]=-255~1~set~not set%" Caution! the allocation may occur only once in the line, the allocation is valid for so long until it "is overwritten" or the program is terminated! -> with that the potentiality exists variables pass on, where they are not usually supported! Query Template_yest %ws_getmem_yest% Query Template_w %ws_getmem_w% Query Template_m %ws_getmem_m% Query Template_y %ws_getmem_y% Query Year view %ws_getmem_year% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Variables with calculation: V2.83.0 3 arguments necessary, allowed only "~" as argument separators, in the case of invalid values (no numbers) becomes " " = space as a result returned! Allowed value for decimal places 0..10 %ws_calc[x]=v1~v2~decimal places% %ws_calc1[x]=v1~v2~decimal places% - if variables is 2x required in a line v1=12.0 v2=15.1 Sum v1+v2 %ws_calc[+]=12.0~15.1~1% Subtraction v1-v2 %ws_calc[-]=12.0~15.1~2% Multiplicat. v1*v2 %ws_calc[*]=12.0~15.1~0% Division v1/v2 %ws_calc[/]=12.0~15.1~3% 2er Average (v1+v2)/2 %ws_calc[2]=12.0~15.1~3% V2.93.15 Power v1^v2 %ws_calc[^]=2.0~-0.5~5% V2.99.9 (2023/04/27) Sum v1+v2 %ws_calc1[+]=12.0~15.1~1% Subtraction v1-v2 %ws_calc1[-]=12.0~15.1~2% Multiplicat. v1*v2 %ws_calc1[*]=12.0~15.1~0% Division v1/v2 %ws_calc1[/]=12.0~15.1~3% 2er Average (v1+v2)/2 %ws_calc1[2]=12.0~15.1~3% V2.93.15 Power v1^v2 %ws_calc1[^]=2.0~5.0~3% V2.99.9 (2023/04/27) Sum v1+v2 %unit_off%%ws_calc[+]=%curval[3]%~%curval[0]%~3% Example: %unit_off% %ws_calc1[/]=%ws_calc[+]=%curval[3]%~%curval[0]%~3%~2~3% Outdoor Temperature in ° Fahrenheit %ws_calc1[+]=%ws_calc[*]=%curval[0]%~1.8~1%~32~1% °F Wind rate in m/s %ws_calc[/]=%curval[35]%~3.6~1% m/s Wind rate in mph %ws_calc[/]=%curval[35]%~1.609~1% mph Wind rate in mph %ws_calc[/]=%curval[35]%~1.852~1% kts Air pressure in inchHG %ws_calc[*]=%curval[33]%~0.02953~3% in Rain in inch %ws_calc1[/]=%curval[34]%~25.4~3% in Multiple addition with mem-Var %ws_calcmem[+]=memstart~memend~decimal places% memstart=1..127, memend=2..128 V2.98.0 %ws_ignore% Average value from mem-Variables %ws_calcmem[0]=memstart~memend~decimal places% memstart=1..127, memend=2..128 V2.98.0 %ws_ignore% Mem Addition v1+v2 %ws_calcmem2[+]=mem1~mem2~decimal places% mem1=1..128, mem2=1..128 V2.98.0 %ws_ignore% Mem Subtraktion v1-v2 %ws_calcmem2[-]=mem1~mem2~decimal places% mem1=1..128, mem2=1..128 V2.98.0 %ws_ignore% Mem Multiplikat. v1*v2 %ws_calcmem2[*]=mem1~mem2~decimal places% mem1=1..128, mem2=1..128 V2.98.0 %ws_ignore% Mem Division v1/v2 %ws_calcmem2[/]=mem1~mem2~decimal places% mem1=1..128, mem2=1..128 V2.98.0 %ws_ignore% Mem 2 Average (v1+v2)/2 %ws_calcmem2[2]=mem1~mem2~decimal places% mem1=1..128, mem2=1..128 V2.98.0 %ws_ignore% Mem Power v1^v2 %ws_calcmem2[^]=mem1~mem2~decimal places% mem1=1..128, mem2=1..128 V2.99.9 %ws_ignore% %ws_setmem[100]=3.0% %ws_ignore% %ws_setmem[101]=-0.5% %ws_ignore% Mem Power v1^v2 %ws_calcmem2[^]=100~101~5% %ws_ignore% Note ! The calcmem2 variable always used only 2 Mem variables values The calcmem variable uses a set ( up ) of Mem variables Array Calculation %wsx_calcarray[id~s~a~d~ARRAY]% V2.98.0 %ws_ignore% id = -1..46 s = Separator (for example " " "," ";") -> 1 char! between the values a = 0 ->Average - with id36 (Wind direction) the dominating wind direction is reported a = 1 ->Minimum a = 2 ->Maximum d = decimal places ARRAY may be a corresponding array variable or even a separate entry invalid values in the array (for example "--") are ignored id is currently only evaluated for wind direction (36)! Array Wind Gust %ws_arrayx[45~05]% V2.99.9.0 Array Wind Gust in knots %ws_arraygust[05]% Max selection %wsx_calcarray[45~ ~2~1~%ws_arraygust[05]%]% %ws_ignore% %wsx_calcarray[45~ ~2~1~%ws_arraygust[05]%]%^=ws_setmemline1^ %ws_ignore% Array Calculation Wind Gust %ws_calc[*]=^ws_getmemline1^~1.852~1% from knots to km/h %ws_ignore% Array Calculation WindGust %wsx_calcarray[45~ ~2~1~%ws_arrayx[45~05]%]% V2.99.9.0 %ws_ignore% Array Calculation Outdoor Temp. %wsx_calcarray[0~ ~0~3~%ws_arraytemp[20]%]% %ws_ignore% Array Calculation dom Wind dir %wsx_calcarray[36~ ~0~1~%ws_arraywinddir[20]%]% %ws_ignore% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Variables with comparison of two values and result as user setting: V2.83.0 4 arguments necessary, allowed only "~" as argument separators, in the case of invalid compare data (no numbers) becomes " " = space as a result returned! Exception: at "6" (< >) may occur for 2.Parameter (=v2) and when 1.Parameter (=v1) = -255 also a character string. That is with that can one queries, whether a memory variable "already was assigned". Example: "%ws_compare[6]=-255~%ws_getmem[13]%~set~not set%" %ws_compare[x]=v1~v2~right~wrong% - for x: 1..6 v1=12.0 v2=15.1 Arrangement v1 > v2 %ws_compare[1]=12.0~15.1~yes~no% Arrangement v1 >= v2 %ws_compare[2]=12.0~15.1~yes~no% Arrangement v1 = v2 %ws_compare[3]=12.0~15.1~yes~no% Arrangement v1 <= v2 %ws_compare[4]=12.0~15.1~yes~no% Arrangement v1 < v2 %ws_compare[5]=12.0~15.1~yes~no% Arrangement v1 <> v2 %ws_compare[6]=12.0~15.1~yes~no% Examples: %curval[3]% < - > %curval[0]% %unit_off%%ws_compare[1]=%curval[3]%~%curval[0]%~v1 ">" v2~No(v1 "<" v2)% %unit_off%%ws_compare[4]=%curval[3]%~%curval[0]%~Yes - w1<=w2~No(v1 "<=" v2)% %unit_on%%rainday% test %rainday% %rainday% %unit_off%%ws_compare[1]=%rainday%~0~Rain today %rainday% mm~Today no rain% %unit_off%%ws_compare[5]=0~%rainday%~It already rained %rainday%~Today no rain% %unit_on% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Variable with user handicap: Day State %ws_isdaynight=Day,Morning twilight, Evening twilight, Night% 4 Parameter necessary Ice warning? %ws_icewarning=Yes~No% 2 Parameter necessary Sensor available+Html %ws_available[id]=Yes~No% 2 Parameter necessary Sensor available+Typ %ws_available[id~tt]=yes~no% 2 Parameter necessary The parameters must be separated with "~" and the number of the expected parameters must agree - > otherwise becomes " " as result give back ! The former arguments - separator "," keeps on being supported! But in the case of variable-nesting (for example result 12.3 °C) it comes with that to problems. The parameters can be, of course, also Html code - it may in that, however, no "," occur and the variables with parameter must be delivered in a line and as an end must a "%" be available! If one wants to use this variable twice, for example: 1) graphics file name as a background picture 2) text to that so the variables must be performed each in separate lines. With Variable %ws_available ... you can "remark" Html-Code (for example) when a sensor become unavailable. Example: %ws_available[45]= ,<!-- % Following code is faded out when "wind gust" unavailably ... Html-Code %ws_available[45]= ,--> % </plaintext> ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Examples: Time long %ws_time_in_text_on%%ws_time% Time normal %ws_time_in_text_off%%ws_time% Short name indoor temp %shortslabel[1]% Description indoor temp %longslabel[1]% Current indoor temp. %curval[1]% Average indoor temp %avgval[1]% MinValue indoor temperature %minval[1]% Min time indoor temp %mintime[1]% MaxValue indoor temp %Maxval[1]% Max time indoor temp %maxtime[1]% Shortname indoor humidity %shortslabel[17]% description indoor humidity %longslabel[17]% Current indoor humidity %curval[17]% Average indoor humidity %avgval[17]% MinValue indoor humidity %minval[17]% Min Time indoor humidity %mintime[17]% MaxValue indoor humidity %maxval[17]% Max Time indoor humidity %maxtime[17]% Temperature change Si %curval[1]% ... %tempchange[1]=60%/1h Temperature change So %curval[0]% ... %tempchange[0]=60%/1h Temperature change 3 %curval[3]% ... %tempchange[3]=60%/1h Temperature change i %tempchange[1]=60%/1h Temperature change So %tempchange[0]=60%/1h Temperature change 3 %tempchange[3]=60%/1h Temperature change 9 %tempchange[9]=60%/1h Temperature change 13 %tempchange[13]=60%/1h Outdoor temperature %curval[0]% Average outdoor temp %avgval[0]% MinValue outdoor temperature %minval[0]% Min time outdoor temp %mintime[0]% MaxValue outdoor temperature %maxval[0]% Max time outdoor temp %maxtime[0]% Current outdoor humidity %curval[18]% Average outdoor humididy %avgval[18]% MinValue outdoor humididy %minval[18]% MaxValue oudoor humidity %maxval[18]% Sensor3 available %ws_availableX[3]=Yes~No% Sensor3 availbalbe+Html %ws_available[3]=Yes~No% Sensor4 available %ws_availableX[4]=Yes~No% Sensor4 available+Html %ws_available[4]=Yes~No% %alwaysseppoint_on% Sensor2 available %ws_availableX[2]=%curval[2]%~- - -% %alwaysseppoint_off% Dew point %curval[43]% Dew point alternate %dewpoint[0]% Dew point indoor %dewpoint[1]% Dew point 2. outdoor sensor %dewpoint[3]% Max-Sun time %maxval[37]% Heat index outdoor 2 %heatindex[3]% Heat index outdoor %heatindextemp% Barometric pressure %curval[33]% Barometric pressure tendency %ws_baro6h% Rain amount %curval[34]% Max rain amount %Maxval[34]% Max time rain amount %maxtime[34]% Rain 1h %rain1h% Rain 24h %rain24h% Rain week %rainweek% Rain month %rainmonth% Rain year %rainyear% Rain days %raindays% Rain days 2mm month01 %rain2daysmonth[1]% Rain days 2mm month02 %rain2daysmonth[2]% Rain days 2mm month03 %rain2daysmonth[3]% Rain days 2mm month04 %rain2daysmonth[4]% Rain days 2mm month05 %rain2daysmonth[5]% Rain days 2mm month06 %rain2daysmonth[6]% Rain days 2mm month07 %rain2daysmonth[7]% Rain days 2mm month08 %rain2daysmonth[8]% Rain days 2mm month09 %rain2daysmonth[9]% Rain days 2mm month10 %rain2daysmonth[10]% Rain days 2mm month11 %rain2daysmonth[11]% Rain days 2mm month12 %rain2daysmonth[12]% Rain days 10mm month01 %rain10daysmonth[1]% Rain days 10mm month02 %rain10daysmonth[2]% Rain days 10mm month03 %rain10daysmonth[3]% Rain days 10mm month04 %rain10daysmonth[4]% Rain days 10mm month05 %rain10daysmonth[5]% Rain days 10mm month06 %rain10daysmonth[6]% Rain days 10mm month07 %rain10daysmonth[7]% Rain days 10mm month08 %rain10daysmonth[8]% Rain days 10mm month09 %rain10daysmonth[9]% Rain days 10mm month10 %rain10daysmonth[10]% Rain days 10mm month11 %rain10daysmonth[11]% Rain days 10mm month12 %rain10daysmonth[12]% Wind speed %curval[35]% wind direction %curval[36]% wind direction text %wind_txt% Dewpoint %curval[43]% Windchill %curval[44]% Wind gust %curval[45]% State IndoorSensor %ws_state_sens[1]% State OutdoorSensor %ws_state_sens[0]% State Sensor 3 %ws_state_sens[3]% State Sensor 4 %ws_state_sens[4]% State Rain Sensor %ws_state_sens[34]% State Wind Sensor %ws_state_sens[35]% State Test %ws_state_sens[40]% State Display WMRx %ws_state_sens[33]% ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Variables only at Week,Month,Year valid: Min value day %minvalday[0]% also at month_only Year: %ws_compare[3]=1234567890~%ws_getmem[64]%~%ws_getmem[56]%~% Min time day %mintimeday[0]% also at month_only Year: %ws_compare[3]=1234567890~%ws_getmem[64]%~%ws_getmem[57]%~% Min day day %mindayday[0]% also at month_only Year: %ws_compare[3]=1234567890~%ws_getmem[64]%~%ws_getmem[58]%~% Day min day shortly %mindaydays[0]% also at month_only Year: %ws_compare[3]=1234567890~%ws_getmem[64]%~%ws_getmem[59]%~% Max value day %maxvalday[0]% also at month_only Year: %ws_compare[3]=1234567890~%ws_getmem[64]%~%ws_getmem[60]%~% Max time day %maxtimeday[0]% also at month_only Year: %ws_compare[3]=1234567890~%ws_getmem[64]%~%ws_getmem[61]%~% Max day day %maxdayday[0]% also at month_only Year: %ws_compare[3]=1234567890~%ws_getmem[64]%~%ws_getmem[62]%~% Day Max day shortly %maxdaydays[0]% also at month_only Year: %ws_compare[3]=1234567890~%ws_getmem[64]%~%ws_getmem[63]%~% Mean Temperature month %avgmonth[0]% only with month_only Alternate to above: Variable only usefull, if there was once the Year view choosen!!! Min-Value month %ws_m_minval[%ws_month%,0]% V2.83.0 Min-Time month %ws_m_mintime[%ws_month%,0]% V2.83.0 Min-Day month %ws_m_minday[%ws_month%,0]% V2.83.0 Max-Value month %ws_m_maxval[%ws_month%,0]% V2.83.0 Max-Time month %ws_m_maxtime[%ws_month%,0]% V2.83.0 Max-Day month %ws_m_maxday[%ws_month%,0]% V2.83.0 Average month %ws_m_avg[%ws_month%,0]% V2.83.0 New user date format %ws_userdate=YYYY-MM-DD% V2.83.2 Min-Value year %ws_m_minval[0,0]% V2.83.0 Min-Time year %ws_m_mintime[0,0]% V2.83.0 Min-Day year %ws_m_minday[0,0]% V2.83.0 Max-Value year %ws_m_maxval[0,0]% V2.83.0 Max-Time year %ws_m_maxtime[0,0]% V2.83.0 Max-Day year %ws_m_maxday[0,0]% V2.83.0 Average year %ws_m_avg[0,0]% V2.83.0 Windows date format %ws_userdate=% V2.83.2 Min-Time year %ws_m_mintime[0,0]% V2.83.0 Min-Day year %ws_m_minday[0,0]% V2.83.0 Max-Time year %ws_m_maxtime[0,0]% V2.83.0 Max-Day year %ws_m_maxday[0,0]% V2.83.0 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ %ws_compare[6]=-255~%ws_getmem_yest%~~<!--% Values of the day before (Prerequisite: the variables were assigned in template_yest.txt) %ws_getmem[1]% %ws_compare[6]=-255~%ws_getmem[1]%~Date yesterday: %ws_getmem[1]%~ % %ws_compare[6]=-255~%ws_getmem[2]%~Temp Min yesterday %ws_getmem[2]%~ % %ws_compare[6]=-255~%ws_getmem[3]%~Temp Min time yesterday %ws_getmem[3]%~ % %ws_compare[6]=-255~%ws_getmem[4]%~Temp Max yesterday %ws_getmem[4]%~ % %ws_compare[6]=-255~%ws_getmem[5]%~Temp Max time yesterday %ws_getmem[5]%~ % %ws_compare[6]=-255~%ws_getmem[6]%~Barometer Min yesterday %ws_getmem[6]%~ % %ws_compare[6]=-255~%ws_getmem[7]%~Barometer Min Time gest %ws_getmem[7]%~ % %ws_compare[6]=-255~%ws_getmem[8]%~Barometer Max yesterday %ws_getmem[8]%~ % %ws_compare[6]=-255~%ws_getmem[9]%~Barometer Max Time yesterday %ws_getmem[9]%~ % %ws_compare[6]=-255~%ws_getmem[10]%~Max. Barometer change yesterday %ws_getmem[10]%~ % %ws_compare[6]=-255~%ws_getmem_yest%~~-->% Only variable/sensor data are supported which are corresponding under "Available sensors" . If a variable <!-- %openfile=nexte.txt% --> is found in the control file (somewhere), then after the working off of the current control file (html), this mentioned file attempts to find and when found, it is worked off again. The variable should be included into sign comment -> -> so that the WEB browser can interpret this!!! At this time there are 20 nesting possible (= 20 customized WEB pages) (a maximum of 255 is possible - adjustable) Wswin.cfg: Goto section [html] entry Customfiles=xx - "CustomFile" >boolean value caution is not like "Customfiles"->max. Number of own Html-files Caution the control files must be in the program and/or data folder and the results are saved after the processing in the Html folder. Werner Krenn </PRE>